the big question

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this is me tryingTaylor Swift

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this is me trying
Taylor Swift


The two hung out more often after that, and after a few weeks, they were inseparable. Even Gray, Daisy's best friend, knew that they were truly meant for each other, but she kept that to herself.

So, as the last of the new year's snow fell down on the ground lightly, Daisy entered her apartment, brushing off the light dusting of slush off of her jacket as she hung it up on her coat stand.

As she placed the kettle on her stove and cranked up the heat, a familiar knock at the door arose her from a daydream. Three knocks in a row, it was Steve. Daisy remembered their signature knock and walked

"Hey Steve!" Daisy said excitedly, only noticing the big bouquet of scarlet roses in his hands moments after she greeted him.

"Hey." He greeted awkwardly, shuffling his feet a bit. The urge to rub the back of his neck grew every moment, but he ignored it, not wanting to let go of the roses. "Um- I have a question for you."

Daisy still stood in her door frame, smiling at the man in front of her. "Go ahead!" She beamed, pushing a strand of blonde hair behind her ears.

"Would you go on a date with me?"

As Steve asked the question, Daisy stood there, shellshocked. "I can't- Steve, I won't lie, I really like you, but I know I have my soulmate out there somewhere, and I don't think dating someone else is the right choice."

"Please- All I ask from you is one date. One. If after that all you want to be is friends, or never see me again, that's fine." Steve took a deep breath in. "But I don't wanna live my life not knowing what would happen if I never went on a date with the Daisy Stone."

Daisy thought for a moment, a frown encompassing her face. In reality, she was ecstatic, and for the first time in her life, she wished she didn't have a soulmate.

"I don't-"

"One date." Steve pleaded. "That's all I ask."

The woman sighed, smiling a bit as she looked at him in the eyes. "One date."

Steve beamed with happiness, holding the roses out towards Daisy. "Here, these are for you." He smiled, letting her take the flowers in her arms.

Daisy smelled them deeply, gleaming back at Steve. "Would you like to come in? I need to put these in a vase anyway." Steve nodded as an answer, walking in through the door as Daisy shut it behind him, grabbing out a large vase from her cupboard and filling it up with water.

Her apartment always gave Steve a sense of home, in some ways, it reminded him of his childhood home. Always stocked with food, candles lit around the rooms (they were fake, of course), plants littered among many books, and a constant smell of fresh baked brownies that lingered even when nothing was in the oven.

Daisy brushed the excess water off of her hands onto her overalls, and in that moment, Steve took her outfit in. She wore jean overalls with a dark navy sweatshirt underneath, and though it was simple, he still thought of her as the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen.

"Hey? Earth to Steve?" Daisy tilted her head, waving her hand in front of the man's face. He shook his head, lopsidedly grinning. "What were you thinking about, shield man?"

"Just how lucky I am to have a date with the most amazing woman on the face of the Earth." Daisy blushed a deep shade of scarlet red, almost matching the roses.

Steve smiled and took her hands. "What would you like to do?"

"Well you asked me on this date, Mr. Rogers." Daisy smirked. "I think it's only fair that you have a plan on where we're going to go."

The man pondered for a moment, letting go of Daisy's hand and rubbing his own. "Maybe a nice dinner?" He suggested, struggling with the concept of a modern-day date.

"That sounds lovely." Daisy replied, smiling softly. "What level of fanciness are we going for?"

"What do you mean?" Steve asked, making Daisy laugh a bit.

"Well, I need to know how fancy I should dress." She answered. "On a scale of one to ten, one being sweatpants and a tee shirt and ten being a ball gown, how fancy will this date be?"

Steve thought for a second, remembering the fancy restaurant he always looked at when he walked to Daisy's apartment. "Maybe a seven."

Daisy smiled and nodded, rubbing her fingers and trying to get rid of the stinging from the rose thorns.

"Well then. It's a date."


And maybe I don't quite know what to say, but I'm here in your doorway.

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