the song

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Our Song
Taylor Swift


After Daisy and Steve's beach encounter, they hadn't seen much of each other. Numbers had been exchanged, but there were no real planned hangouts, most were just coincidences.

Well, that changed.

Daisy stood in the doorframe of her bedroom, looking at her outfit through her full body-length mirror. It was her first actual hang out with Steve, so she didn't want to look too dressed up. She wore a nice yellow shirt and jeans, and since it was still February, she decided to put a nice cardigan on top, since it was cold.

They had plans to go out for a walk around New York, but Daisy grimaced as she looked at the abysmal weather outside. It was bucketing rain, and she realized the two probably wouldn't be able to take a nice walk in the brisk wind.

Her thoughts were interrupted by three knocks at the door, something Steve had mentioned he used to do in the forties' as an inside joke, so Daisy knew it was him.

She walked over to the front door of her apartment and opened the door, seeing a drenched Steve Rogers with a broken umbrella and a sheepish look plastered on his face.

"Sorry I'm late... It started pouring when I left my apartment and I didn't realize my umbrella was totally cinched." Daisy nodded, accepting the poor man's apology and letting him in.

"Don't worry about it." The woman replied, hanging his wet coat up on one of her hangers. "Although, I don't think we'll be able to go out and walk around the city. You might just have to stay here."

Steve nodded, putting his umbrella in the rack and standing awkwardly. "That's fine, as long as I don't have to get drenched again. A friend bought this shirt for me." Daisy motioned towards her couch, letting Steve sit down as she tracked to her kitchen.

"Would you like anything to drink? I've got tea, water, hot chocolate, really anything."

"Could I have a hot chocolate? I haven't actually had one since I was in the ice, actually." Daisy smiled and placed her full kettle onto her stove, flicking the heat on and waiting for it to boil.

"Do you want anything like marshmallows? I have whipped cream, cinnamon, cherries, sprinkles, anything your heart desires." Daisy asked, putting the hot chocolate mix into the bottom of two of her mugs.

"I'll just have some marshmallows and whipped cream, thanks." Steve responded, watching as she nodded in response and grabbed out a few toppings from her fridge and cupboard.

Soon enough, after a while of awkward silences, the kettle started whistling. Daisy took it off the heat and poured it into the two mugs, putting some whipped cream and marshmallows on top of one, and cinnamon with whipped cream on the other.

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