Im numb

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Feel free to talk smack, beat me up, throw insults at me, say sad things, I will laugh through it all. I have become emotionally numb, and its weird for somebody to I guess say that? Huh... it's like through all the pain I've been through, and the tears I've cried, I've become immune to it all. Say something that's sad, I feel like I wanna laugh. I have no soul. I still feel pain, but cant express it. My parents have taught me to not show any emotion. Not physically, but they did. They dont really pay much attention to me, I say I need somebody to talk to, they say to talk to them. I do, then they chime in, I get mad, then they do, and it starts a FUCKING argument. Now that my friend has moved, life has been even more harder. I sound overdramatic, yes. But LIFE HERE IS SO FUCKING HARD I WANNA KILL MYSELF ALREADY. I almost started cutting, but I stopped myself. I bottle up my emotions, and I know I'm not supposed to. I have anorexia. Another complication. Yay....

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