Inaugurate Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Compared to Ruben is his wife who is also one of the cruelest mothers; Susan Amber Sharp, she shares the same age of forty three, Ruben and Susan seems to be a great matchmaking in hell, in my case, Lucifer fell in love with Lilith. Whenever I see Ruben or Susan, my reality is nothing else, both a nightmare for living with these two evil lovebirds. Susan has an oval facial shape, the soft dark blue eyes even if I just see black demonic eyes instead. Susan's white skin tone is flawless with no visible scars, she has a beautiful shade of short auburn hair with short red bands in front of her eyes with fading bright red at the ends of her hair. Susan weighs over 178 pounds. Susan has a few things in common with Ruben, she is a smoker, she lies just to control what she wants rather than what others want, she manipulates her own children and mostly makes me fight with my sister. Susan always feels comfort in the chaos she creates and never ceases her satisfaction.

Sadly I feel more bad for my sister, Caitlin Madison Sharp since she feels more damaged from the cruel actions of our parents, she takes it more seriously and tries not to talk about it, but always talks to me because of the good things of having a brother. Caitlin and I would usually discover the truth or motivation behind Susan's lies and Ruben's abusive nature.

Caitlin Madison Sharp, she's just a year younger than me at the age of fifteen, she carries the brown eyes of Reuben as I carry the blue eyes of Susan,

Caitlin also shares the flawless white skin tone to Susan, she has soft curly brown hair that fades downwards with purple faded galaxy hair and midway up to her shoulders. She stands up to five point four feet tall and weighs one hundred seventy four pounds. She's an amazing girl and I loved how bright her personality is, while I am the one having a dark personality, even when I noticed the connection of the whole yin and yang balance.

Now on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Shadow of Love by The Damned began to play on my headphones, I still continued to look out to the pouring rain than listening to the laughter from the other teenagers and from my sister right by my side, I'm not caring about the laughter but I at least enjoy the silence even if it means, I'm the misfit of the whole school that no likes to hang out with, I didn't care about being the so called 'misfit' at least and I am not the kind of kid who would hurt another kid for no reason.

Flashing my phone to a black screen I can see my face being reflected, my dark gray beanie hat covering over my normal messy black hair, the tired and careless blue eyes additionally with dark bags under my eyes, my white skin tone gleams a few spots of bloods and rain from outside right next to me. I can see a few sparkles of my black leather jacket's gold rings flickering not so brightly since the sun is being in the sea of rain clouds.

I mean, sure I look like a bad boy but I'm not exactly a bad boy, just a depressed goth kid who suffers in silence of being abused, lied to, turning towards insanity, being filled with negative or dark thoughts with nothing else that truly doesn't matter in my life. Some strange or weirdness for a goth kid who goes through rough problems in the also doesn't involve puberty thankfully. That is way more than embarrassing and worthless.

I just want a normal life like everyone else, I want to laugh like everyone else, I want to tell funny stories or jokes, I want to smile brightly like everyone else, I want to play games like everyone else and etc. but honestly... is it worth it? To be like everyone else? To be normal? I never wanted a life for being a goth but I was drawn to the whole culture, the interesting fashion designs, the taste in music that has a mysterious vibe to both heart and soul, the history of how it all started and so much more. If my parents weren't cruel, I wouldn't have gone goth in the first place, but in secret, I enjoy the morbid culture of goths and how goth people look, gives me the insight of being a part of darkness in life from my perspective, I give all of my respects and honor to these people... mysteriously horrifically awesome! It would really tell me that I've found my people! I find solace for goth people and the culture itself.

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