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More weeks passed.  Sia looked down at her belly which was now twenty-eight week's/ seven months.   Given the uniqueness of the situation she still played it by a human time line.  Dr. Roth had even given it so.  With that in mind Sia was looking at a time table of delivering when she was thirty five weeks pregnant. 

Sia's coworker smiled as Sia sat in her chair behind the desk. It was crazy that her newborn daughter was well over two months old.

"How are you holding up?" she asked.

"I wish people would stop asking me that.   Jen, my mom,  Joel."  Sia shook her head.  "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, I was like that too remember?  How is Joel by the way?"

"Well you've seen him around.   Just because I'm the pregnant one doesn't mean he has to stop doing his job."

"Right.  I am happy for you though.   Joel's a nice guy.  You could do worse."

"I kind of already did."


The word around work was simple.  Because she was still only nineteen when the father found out he couldn't deal and took off.  

"Well hey, those kids will be out in no time and then you'll be right off to working out again to get back to before you were pregnant."

Sia sighed.   "I wish it were that easy."

"Well hey at least today's your last day right?  I mean they gave you extra maternity leave because you're almost due and then there's the six weeks after so that will be good."

"Yeah I guess."

"Well hey I've got to get back to work.   Hang in there, mamma, you've got this."

Once her friend was gone, Sia sighed again and rubbed the edges of her belly. 

Her pregnancy hadn't been normal from the start.   No morning sickness, none of that.   During her last procedure from them they had disintegrated her bowels and bladder.  It had been a preservation for the future as to not worry about bathroom issues.   This meant that there was nothing for the babies to really push down on so no needing to pee every five minutes.

The only real struggle, the pregnancy itself aside,  was the back pain.    No one knew, other than Joel, that she was carrying six.  A number that seemed unfathomable.  With that many babies inside her she felt as if she were going to explode despite there still being time left.  Still she couldn't help but feel an urge to push.  It was an urge and desire but not a physical reaction so there was no serious nature of going into labor early.


Thirty-five weeks passed but still the babies stayed.  Sia was so desperately wanting them to come out.  The feeling that she would still explode was intensifying each day but still there was nothing.


When the mark passed Sia and Joel knew it was time to tell her mother and Jen the whole story and so they did, leaving out the whole end of the world aspect.  They even told her that she was already pregnant again and that there were more babies to be delivered after her first set.




Forty-eight.  A year.   A year pregnant which seemed impossible.  There was just no way and still it was evident she was both  by the days on the calendar and by the size of her belly which was well over the size of her breasts.

In that time with her Joel had remained by her side.  Like her, he had been given a fortune that would last for all eternity so money wasn't an issue courtesy of them.

Realizing that she was literally in it for the long haul Sia had decided to take a walk along the rivers edge which was six yards from the house.   It felt good to stretch her legs after sitting and lying down for so long.

She hadn't even been out for ten minutes when she felt a pressure towards her vagina.   She hadn't experienced a period in over a year and she never would again but she remembered how much painful cramps were only these were much more intense.  She felt a stream below her legs as they soaked her pants.

She couldn't see that well over her belly but she knew what was happening.   Her water had broke.

"Oh no," Sia feared.   She looked out but the trees covered the area so the house could not be seen.  

A painful contraction hit causing her to lean over some.  She reached for her phone in her pocket.

"Joel, they're coming."


Another contraction.   "Yeah."

"I'm on my way."

Sia wanted desperately wanted to sit down but the best she could do was find a tree to lean on.  She placed her hand underneath her pants and panties and held her vagina as to make sure the babies were still inside as she waddled to the tree.  She was breathing heavily. 

After a few minutes Joel finally arrived with several blankets and his medical kit.

He placed a hand on her arm.

"Do you think you can make it back to the house?"

Sia couldn't answer out loud, only shaking her head from the pain.

She was too heavy for Joel to carry her that far.

"We're just going to have to do it here then."

With her back still against the tree, Sia rubbed her belly as Joel set up one of the blankets.

"God I am such an idiot.   I shouldn't have come out here."

"Hey I'm the idiot.  I shouldn't have let you come out here alone."

"I shouldn't have come out here at all."

There was no point in talking about that now.   The fact was they were here.

Joel gently took Sia by her side and lowered her down.  Her back was against the tree again and now her knees were spread out.

"Let's see what we've got here," said Joel.   He placed on a pair of gloves and removed Sia's lower clothes.  He then reached inside her.

When he pulled out Sia saw the look on his face.

"What is it?"

"You're barely at three centimeters.  You have to get to twelve.  At least that's what Dr. Roth said remember?"

Sia remembered.   Because of her unique situation she wouldn't be going the average ten.

"This can't be happening."

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