A month until we make our statement.

Our first proclamation.

That a name does not define you.

We will win the sports festival.

We will prove that people with "villainous" quirks can beat the "heroes" in their own school.

That villains can beat the heroes in their festival.

That people with "villainous" names can be heroes.

We'd prove them all wrong.

I was taking the Lost Gods public.

And this was only the beginning.


"Welcome, the hardworking family of a hero class, class 1-B!"

Yes, the teachers had noticed that we were close.

The class walked out, Shinso and I still crowded, surrounded by the other members of 1-B. They were trying to keep us hidden for as long as they could.

Soon enough everyone was called out into the field and Bakugo, the King, was called up to make the pledge.

I scoffed quietly. This was going to be a disaster. Shinso snickered beside me.

"I pledge, to win."

The uproar from both the audience and the students around us was loud, amusing.

I'm afraid you won't be able to keep that pledge, King. Not if I have a say.

Midnight hastily continued on with the festival, introducing the first battle as an obstacle course.

We had made a plan for the first rounds, that I would try not to use my powers so we could avoid detection, take class 1-A by surprise. Of course I could use them subtly so that we passed into the last round, but we would try to avoid class 1-A.
Shinso's powers were subtle enough to use.

Time to get the show on the road.


I skated across the ice covering the ground, keeping my head down as we passed by some of our classmates. Shinso was next to me, brainwashing a few people.
Soon Shinso had five people under control and he had them carry him, promptly picking me up as they slowed a little at holding two people.

I grinned at the purplette beside me.

I looked at Shinso, mirth flashing in my emerald coloured eyes as we ran across the wire.
It was a technique, a ninja skill, Aizawa had spent time teaching us in his personal training sessions.
Many gaped at us as we dashed across the wire, the only people in front of us, high in the air.

We reached the end of the chasm and ran to the next obstacle.

We ran across the finish line, panting, almost collapsing as we crossed it.

We had made sure not to get top ten, so that we wouldn't be recognised and busted before we could even begin.

The Lost Gods - middle name AUWhere stories live. Discover now