Counter strike pt.2

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Lynn's POV
I radioed Wolf "Banshee and I are moving to 15c, I want to see if our HVI is there" he replied "do it, keep me posted on your findings" I gave Banshee the hand signal to move forward as we slowly walked down the side of the building and to the target room. A jolt shot through my rope causing me to radio Wolf "we might have to abort our rappel, our anchor feels like it's giving way" he replied with a sigh "get eyes on the room first, I want to know if she's there" I let go of my radio and grumbled to myself "easy for you to say, you're not the one hanging off the side of a building." We reached the window and I looked through, it was lit. I saw them dragging an unmoving Paige Gregory into the bathroom with maybe 3 masks on guard, 2 were in the bathroom with our HVI. I radioed "I've confirmed sighting of the HVI, she's in the bathroom of 15c. We're moving back up to the roof" Wolf replied "how many were in the room?" I answered quickly "I counted 5" he asked "think you and banshee could assault it? We could hit both rooms simultaneously" I looked over at her to see her nodding her confirmation"
     I keyed my mic "affirm, we can breach" he replied do it" I shifted my left hand to the trigger guard of my m203 before aiming it at the window, I slid the tube forward checking it was a concussion before I spoke to banshee "sending the concussion in 3" she replied "heard" as I counted down before firing shattering the glass before I pushed off the wall and came flying into the window firing at one of the masks as Banshee came through her window I suddenly got a lot more slack to my rappel rope. I didn't pay any kind and shifted my aim to the next mask, the three in the main room were down as I looked out the window seeing the railing we'd hooked our rappels on go flying past the window. I sighed "son of a bitch" as the rope pulled taught yanking Banshee and I to our asses as the other two masks came out. I yanked up my m16 while Banshee lifted her honey badger and fired from a seated position dropping the two confused masks.
I unclipped myself from the rope as banshee did the same, and the ropes disappeared out the window. I motioned to the bathroom and slowly walked over before taking position next to it, banshee did the same and nodded as I shoved the door in and followed her seeing Paige laying on the ground. I spoke "Banshee, get her awake and check on her. I've got security" she nodded as I radioed "Wolf, HVI secure. Banshee's looking her over and asking the security questions. I'll update you when you get to us. Announce when you enter or I'll grease you" I heard the gunfight the floor above us as I crouched, my left hand on the pistol grip my right holding the bottom of my m203 as I aimed at the door. It was quiet pretty quickly after the first round until I heard the door open, I fired until I heard Wolf on comms "Blue, Blue! You're shooting at friendlies!" I radioed "you should've said so before I fucking shot" they walked in as I stood and asked "anyone hit?" Baron joked "nein, luckily you're a shit shot" I sarcastically laughed before looking at Wolf "HVI is in the bathroom with Banshee" Wolf walked past me before I asked Samurai "how was upstairs?" He chuckled "a cake walk"
      Our chit chat got ended when Wolf and banshee walked out, Paige was leaning on banshee as Eolf handed out orders "King, you and Baron, on point. Samurai, you and me have rear guard. Banshee you're body man for HVI, let's move" I walked past Baron patting his shoulder letting some friendly rivalry slip in "see if you can keep up" he nodded and shot back "you'll have to get used to being behind me" Wolf barked "cut the chatter, move" I rolled my eyes but lifted my m16 and walked into the stairwell. We're two floors up so it won't be that long I thought to myself absentmindedly as I started down the staircase, my sight shifted from doorway to doorway as we made our way through the building. The second set of stairs heading to the ground floor I saw a window with a clear view to another building I called it "watch that window" just as Baron replied "check" rounds streamed through it. I yelled to Banshee "Keep the HVI safe, Wolf you and Samurai protect them. Baron and I have this!" As I fired back at the muzzle flashes, Baron leveled his MG36 and fired a hail of suppressive fire.
Wolf radioed "King, think you can suppress the enemy enough for us to get the HVI past?" I keyed my radio while firing "so you want me to be in a gunfight, keep track of the enemies, and evaluate if we can get an HVI through a gunfight without them getting injured, christ what else do you want me to do? Your fucking taxes?!" As I called to Baron "Reloading!" He replied "suppressing!" While Wolf replied on comms "just answer the damn question!" I sighed and spoke "If you're going to do it, do it in 5 seconds as I pushed my 203 tube forwards and the spent concussion round slid out I pulled out the single high explosive round I always carry and looked at it, I slid it into the tube and slid it shut before pulling up my aiming aperture and getting the range. Wolf yelled "Moving!" While I heard shuffling behind me, I squeezed the trigger on my m203 sending the high explosive 40 Mike Mike towards the mask position.
The detonation caught everyone off guard as I continued firing, Baron asked "I thought you don't carry high explosive?" I replied sending another burst at the masks "I only carry one 40 Mike Mike high explosive round. It's an emergency only round, I don't count it in my ammo count since it never gets used" he nodded and started firing again. Banshee radioed "We're at the door, rally on us" I felt Baron pat my shoulder as he passed me causing me to stand and turn as we jogged through the building back to our team. Wolf looked at me and started scolding me "What did I say? Keep the chatter to a minimum" I looked at him and replied "First of all, I outrank you corporal. Second of all, shut the fuck up. Third of all, stop being a tyrant before I kick your ass" Banshee sounded haunted as she spoke "you don't want to piss Lynn off, even on a good day" I sighed as Paige Gregory asked "Lynn? As in Lynn King?" I replied staring daggers at Banshee "Yes ma'am, it's me. We'll catch up after we get you safe" she smiled as Wolf spoke handing out orders "Let's go, Diamond formation." The team reacted to our training and assumed the position.
     I started out the door and immediately turned so I was staring at the area the rounds came from as we jogged to the police lines. Once we arrived and set up our perimeter Wolf called on the comms "Scar, we're lighting a flare to mark our position." Scar replied "Affirm, we're looking for the light" samurai lifted his lit flare as Scar came over the comms "Got the flare, coming in for evac" once the helicopter touched down I walked over to Paige and helped get the harness on her before clipping her into the Littlebird, I gave her a thumbs up and a nod as I jogged around the helicopter and got clipped in next to Baron I spoke to him "Guess who couldn't keep up?!" He yelled back "guess who got bitched at by the arrogant CO?!" I rolled my eyes and replied "I swear one days he's gonna get humbled!" Baron yelled back "I can only hope, I thought you were going to fuck him up right there!" I shrugged "I thought about it not gonna lie!" He laughed.
We fell silent as we flew back to the air base, when we touched down I unclipped and slid off the seat before walking around and shaking the hands of the pilots before I walked over to Paige and pulled down my face mask "Hello ma'am" she smiled "it's nice to see you again, how have you been?" I rubbed the back of my neck "pretty good, I'm running unofficial now" she asked "TR?" I nodded "we're all fresh bloods there, I'm just trying to do the Legion and our جندي(soldiers) proud" she nodded and replied "I'm sure you will" I heard Samurai "How do you know Ms. Gregory, King?" I replied "She was responsible for keeping track of my units actions, she helped get us resources" Paige smiled and replied "I simply did my job, I'm glad to know there's soldiers like you" Wolf spoke "Ma'am, we should get you inside. The Colonel wants the Corpsmen to do a check up" she turned to me and whispered "is he always such a hard ass?" I chuckled and nodded "yes ma'am" she smiled and started following Wolf to the building before saying one last thing "Stay safe, all of you"
     I waved before heading to the plane that's bring us back to Hereford, the team followed me. Once we were on board we took our seats and waited for Wolf, Zao leaned over and spoke in hushed tones "if it's between you and Andrew, I'm with you" I smiled my thanks as Manfred leaned over "me too" I replied softly "thank you, glad to know I've got people in my corner" I saw Sarah sitting alone writing in her journal before I asked Zao "So how was your guys part of the mission?" He replied "Pretty boring, the masks weren't really a threat. The concussion from the door getting breached always had them stumbling around we just kinda shot them. It was like being at the range" manfred replied "I didn't get to shoot my gun much until that last ambush, that was fun" I looked at him with a laugh before I spoke "so Zao you know how you shot that guy out the window?" He nodded looking confused as I continued "So before he hit the ground I shot him so I'm calling that my kill" Zao immediately got defensive "no, I shot him first it's my kill" I replied "well who shot him last?"
        Manfred spoke "he's got you there mein freund" Zao spoke "that's not how it works, that's not how any of this works" I replied with a shit eating grin "yeah well when you shot him he could still move, when I shot him he couldn't so, my kill" Andrew walked on and plopped down in a seat across from Sarah as the stairs folded and we started back to Hereford. My exhaustion must've shown since Manfred pointed out "You look like you're about to pass out" I groggily looked over "what no?" Zao asked "what time did you fall asleep last night?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously before replying "I didn't" Zao and Manfred both wore expressions of shock as Manfred asked "so you did all of yesterday's training, didn't sleep, did today's training and then did a mission?" I nodded and asked dumbly "is that out of the ordinary for you guys?" They both nodded as Zao yawned "of course, were normal people not whatever the fuck the Green Beret's made you" I laughed before shifting my weight and yawning, Manfred start "nein, don't yawn its gonna make m-" he was cut off as he yawned before muttering "son of a bitch" I chuckled before our little trio got comfortable and drifted off to sleep, the wear and tear of the day getting to us.

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