"Fine I will go to bed you damn fox."

- Timeskip + No One's POV -

Naruto arrives at the training grounds seeing Sasuke holding up his brooding demeanor and Hinata is off to the side not really doing anything.

"Hey Hinata-chan!" Naruto greats the shy girl.

"Ahh!" Hinata screamed being dragged out of her thoughts about a certain blonde boy, by said boy.

"Sorry, Hinata-chan I didn't mean to scare you"

"I..it's nothing r...really." Hinata grew as a slight blush on her face.

"Hey I brought you some apples I was wondering if you'd want one?"

"But Kakashi-sensei said not to eat?"

"Well Hinata-chan If I am right Kakashi-sensei won't be here for another two and a half hours as he is late to everything lower than an A or S rank mission."

Hinata hesitantly takes the apple and thanks Naruto as the Blonde makes his way to offer Sasuke an apple as well.

"Hey Teme want an apple?"

"Hn" was the only response Naruto received.

"Look I am not about to have you not take this test in a weakened state and I know that you love being the strongest. Unlike you I actually ate a nice breakfast this morning so maybe I will be better than you in the test."

"Give it," Sasuke said, demanding an apple.

"Nope not until the attitude drops a bit and you ask nicely." Hoping that the Uchiha would fall for the thought of Naruto being stronger would make him take the apple. Naruto wanted to help Naruto out of his Broody power hungry self.

The Uchiha sighed then politely asked for an apple and Naruto obliged, tossing him one. He then walked back to Hinata to try and start a conversation, however after a few shared words she fainted.

- Timeskip -

"Yo!" one very late sensei said to his team waiting for them to yell and whine only to receive no such thing.

'Hmm did they at least listen to me about eating' Kakashi thought

"Well I hope you guys didn't eat like I asked you to do," Kakashi expected there to be loud growls coming from the genin to be only to hear none.

'I guess not' Kakashi thought, half proud and half disappointed in him.

"Well then for today's test you will have to take these from me, If you can take the bell you will pass."

Kakashi holds up two bells in front of his team looking to see what they do.

"B...but sensei there are t...three of us and only two bells. H...How will we all pass?" Hinata asks barely stuttering.

"That is simple..." Kakashi said with an eye smile before it turned into a serious glare.

"All three of you won't pass for the person who doesn't get the bell they will be sent back to the academy.

The three genin all start to worry about passing. They were too busy in their thoughts to realize Kakashi had started the test.

They all jumped away, Naruto jumped into a bush, Hinata hid behind a tree, and Sasuke, unknown to him was in the same bush as Naruto.

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