Chapter Two: Consolation

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Bella's POV

"Mom, I'm home!" I exclaimed, closing the entrance door behind me.

"Hey, honey!" Mom's voice came from the kitchen. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, I did," I replied, taking off my sandals.

"That's good to hear. Now, go wash your hands, dinner is almost ready."

* * *

After dinner, I went upstairs to my bedroom to get ready for sleep. I was sitting at the dresser, wiping off my makeup, when the melody of my ringtone disturbed the silence. Seeing the name on my caller ID, I let my lips curl into a smile. "Hey," I answered, voice filled with joy.

"Hi, Bella," Zach greeted back. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. But I would feel better if you were here with me. I miss you, Zach."

"Bella, listen..." There was something off about his tone. "I don't know how to say this..."

"I-is everything okay?" I asked, visibly worried.

"I have no intention to hurt you, but..." He paused for a moment. "I don't think I want to be in a long-distance relationship."

My heart sank. I couldn't believe what my ears had just witnessed. My worst nightmare came alive.

"A-are you breaking up with me?" I barely uttered.

"I'm sorry," he said, then hung up the phone.

I just sat there, shocked. I desperately wished what had just happened was a bad dream. I tried calling Zach, but he didn't pick up. One by one, tears started falling. I didn't bother to wipe them away. Broken is not even the word to describe how I felt. I was utterly devastated.

All of a sudden, my phone rang again. For a second, I thought that maybe Zach changed his mind, but my hopes were in vain. The name that appeared on the screen belonged to someone else.

"Hey, Newt," I said, trying to sound like I hadn't been crying.

"Hey, Bella. I just called to say goodnight." A silence followed. "Is everything alright? You sound distressed."

"Yes, everything is alright."

"Are you sure?" he asked, unconvinced.

"Yes, I'm sure," I replied, swallowing back tears. "I have to hang up now. Bye."

"Bella, wait..." But before he could finish his sentence, I ended the call.

* * *

As I lay crying into the pillow, I heard a soft knock on the bedroom door. I quickly dried my eyes and sat up on the bed. "Come in, Mom," I said, forcing myself to sound cheerful.

The door opened, and instead of Mom, Newt entered, a concerned expression on his face.

"Newt? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.

"You sounded upset over the phone, so I had to make sure you were alright," he explained. "Your mom let me in."

"That's sweet of you, but I'm fine," I tried to assure him. "There's nothing to worry about, I promise."

"Bella..." He walked over to where I sat and sat down beside me. "We both know you're not fine. I heard you crying just a moment ago." He gently laid a hand on my shoulder. "You helped me out when I was trying to impress my father. Thanks to you, I overcame my fear of heights. When no one else believed in me, you did. You were always there for me, and now I want to be there for you, too."

"You're right," I said after a long silence. "I'm far from okay." There was a momentary pause. "Zach and I broke up. Well, to be exact, he broke up with me. He said he didn't want a long-distance relationship."

"Oh, Bella..." Newt spoke, sympathy in his tone. "I'm so sorry to hear that."

"I can't believe this is happening!" I broke into tears again, no longer able to contain myself. "What did I do wrong? Was I not good enough for him?"

Newt gently lifted my chin, making me meet his piercing blue gaze. "Don't ever think like that again," he said, gazing intently into my teary, green eyes. "You're an amazing girl, and if he can't see that, then it's his loss. You know what they say, when one door closes, another opens. One day, you'll find someone worthy of your love."

Touched by his words, I pulled him into a tight embrace. I buried my face into his chest as he held me, stroking my back consolingly until my sobs quieted. I don't know how long we stayed like that. The last thing I recall is falling asleep in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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