Trailer Reveal - Prologue -1 - The Big Question Mark ❓

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Bela's POV:

We were standing on my house terrace. It has been more than 20 minutes. Neither of us are talking.

Infact I haven't even seen his face properly.

I was only asked by parents to 'Go meet him!'

All this because 'HE' asked my hand in marriage!

I was freaking out at the very thought of marriage!

Worse! He was the guy with whom Brinda Di has been chatting and calling for last 2 months.

They seemed pretty serious!

I heard his voice a couple of times from her room while they were on a video call. Although I never went to see who it was.

I stay away from men!

The male species are a little complicated.

I prefer to avoid them.

I haven't had a pleasant past with them!

I have no idea when is he planning to turn around and talk to me!

It's been bloody 20 mins that I'm standing in this hot sun.

Maybe I should like try talking...

Ummm... Ya what was his name...




Ya right!

Hmmm looks quite good from behind. Broad shoulders is only that caught my attention.

All my family knew was that they were Sehgals. One of Karnataka's oldest rich big shots!

Mahir Sehgal is their only son!

Other than that I know nothing about him. I heard he is an IAS high ranking officer.

But none of this bothered me!

All churning in my head was...

'Why did he offer this proposal?'

Doesn't make sense right? Love a sister...just because you broke up... propose another one!!!

What are we here going for shopping?
Didn't get saree let's buy salwar kurta!

This doesn't happen!

It's so much like a 90's bollywood movie 🙄

God!!! And this man's killing silence.

Guess I'll have to converse...

'Excuse me...'

He didn't turn around???

What's he sulking in my sister's love?

Dude!!! She's engaged to someone else what's the use of sulking now!

Comeon Bela... Try again...

'Excuse me...Mr Sehgal???'

Damn you!!! Why are you not turning Mr seagull!!! I mean Sehgal 😡

Finally getting irritated I went and stood next to him

'Mahirji' ...

He turned around...

I happened to see his face for the first time this close...

He had light stubble, perfectly cut jawline like god was in a very good mood while drawing those jawlines, a straight nose that was red right now!!! Probably huffing anger! Hair perfectly chick and combed. Lips pink like he applied my favorite strawberry lip balm.

Poles apart... Hate or Love? (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant