Chapter Thirty One: 2000, New Years Day

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'Well,' Draco said. 'Hermione's going to have a baby, and sometimes that makes her sick.'

'A baby?!' Teddy cried.

'A baby.' Hermione nodded.

'Where baby now?' Teddy asked. Hermione and Draco shared a look, wondering how much an eighteen month old could understand. Draco shrugged as if to say "why not tell him the truth" and Hermione nodded.

'The baby is in Hermione's tummy.' Draco said, lightly tapping Hermione's stomach through her pyjamas.

'Wow.' Teddy said, in awe at the thought, and asked no more questions.

'You should get some rest.' Draco said to Hermione as he pushed her hair, still damp and sweaty, away from her face. 'Pippy gave me oranges if you're hungry though.'

He placed the fruit on the beside table and looked down at her face, which had been pale but was beginning to regain some of its colour.

'I think I'll go back to sleep for now.' She whispered, laying her head back onto the pillows.

'Come on, Teddy, let's leave Hermione to rest so she can grow the baby.' Draco said, lifting Teddy off the bed and onto his back. He carefully bent down and kissed Hermione's forehead as she gave him a sleepy smile and left the room with the small boy on his back.

Hours later, as the rest of the manor's guests began to wake and drift downstairs, Hermione pulled herself away from the comfort of the bed and slipped into the bathroom. She took the hottest shower she could manage, hoping it would ease the tension in her muscles that had crept in during her morning sickness, before stepping out and wrapping herself in a fluffy towel.

Not wanting to waste time and energy she used her wand to dry herself and pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of leggings. She grabbed the first jumper of Draco's she could find, laughing silently to herself when she saw it was one of his old Slytherin Quidditch jumpers, and left the bedroom. She hadn't seen Draco since he left with Teddy but was sure he had been back to shower and change while she was asleep.

She found Harry at the top of the stairs, who beamed when he saw her, and gave him a hug.

'You okay, Mione?' He asked when he saw her dark circles and pale skin.

'Bloody sickness.' She grumbled, looping an arm through his as they walked down the stairs. She didn't want to admit it but she felt weak enough to be at risk of falling down the stairs so was grateful for his arm.

'I wish there was something I could do to help.' Harry sighed. 'Ginny had it really bad last week and it was awful not being able to do anything to help besides give her the morning sickness potion.'

Hermione almost tumbled down the stairs despite her hold on Harry's arm.

'What?!' She shouted and his eyes widened when he realised what he had said.

'Shit, Gin's going to kill me.' He mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

'Harry James Potter, are you saying what I think you're saying?!' Hermione demanded.

'We were going to say something today, but then we found out about you last night and didn't want to... steal your moment.' He admitted, cringing as Hermione started squealing. He tried his best to hush her, hoping that no one would hear, but she was suddenly full of energy and excitement.

'I can't believe you were going to keep this quiet.' Hermione whispered, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet.

'Ginny insisted. She said it could wait after she saw how happy you and Malfoy were last night.' Harry said, pulling Hermione along to the dining room. 'Don't say anything.'

'Harry, you know I'm awful at keeping secrets. If you don't tell everyone at breakfast, I will.' Hermione said, raising an eyebrow at him.

'But Ginny-.' Harry started, before Hermione cut him off with her hand.

'I can handle Ginny. Let's go.' She said, pulling him along.

They both entered the dining room and split off towards their significant others.

'I love it when you wear my old Slytherin clothes.' Draco whispered in Hermione's ear as she sat down beside him.

'Why do you think I chose to wear that Slytherin inspired dress last night?' Hermione whispered back, suppressing a shiver when his hand rested on her thigh. She also knew he loved it when she wore leggings.

'Are you feeling better?' He asked as he poured her a cup of tea.

'Much. I really wish you could take the morning sickness potion before being sick, it would help a lot.' Hermione grumbled, still not feeling well enough to stomach the thought of food.

'I'll look into it.' Draco said as he made his own tea. 'There might be some magic Muggle cure that helps prevent it.'

Hermione laughed at his statement, enjoying the irony of his phrasing.

As she sipped her tea, Harry cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

'I have something to tell you.' He said bluntly. 'Since we're all here and I've been forced to reveal my secret,' he paused and shot a glare at Hermione. 'Ginny and I are also expecting a baby.'

Ginny looked angry, which made Hermione feel slightly bad for forcing Harry to do this, but it was his fault for not warning Ginny first.

Everyone else was staring at Harry with blank looks on their faces.

Then Ron laughed. 'Good one, mate.'

Hermione bit her tongue, trying not to burst into laughter.

'Harry.' Ginny hissed. 'We said we'd wait.' She was really mad.

'Sorry, Ginny.' Hermione said, earning a glare from the redhead. 'I forced him to tell.'

'How did you know?' Draco asked as he nudged her leg under the table.

'Harry let it slip just before we came downstairs.' Hermione said.

'You're serious?' Ron asked and for a moment the rest of the table held their breath, waiting for the outburst.

'Yes.' Ginny said. 'We were going to tell you all last night but Hermione and Draco beat us to it.'

Hermione blushed and looked sheepish, but she didn't miss the smirk of pride on Draco's face.

'Ha!' Pansy cried. 'You now all owe me 10 galleons as well!'

Pansy's declaration was enough to break the tense atmosphere that had formed and everyone burst into laughter and hugs. Ron even shed a few tears at the thought of becoming an uncle.

When everyone had settled once more, Blaise spoke up.

'So ladies,' he addressed Hermione and Ginny. 'With your permission, of course, how about we make this dual pregnancy interesting?'

There was a cheeky glint in his eye and Ginny knew exactly what he was talking about.

'Ten Galleons says I give birth first.' Ginny replied, holding out a hand for Blaise to shake.

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