A brand new me

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Marinette's POV

It was my first school day as Cassie Fu Cheng. I was so nervous!

Will people know that I'm Ladybug or Marinette?

I shrugged it off. No one could identity me thanks to Chloe. I just had to act differently. I couldn't act like Marinette anymore. I had to be a brand new me.

Chloe's limo took us to school.

"Adrikins!" Chloe squealed throwing herself at Adrian.

I couldn't help but groan!
But Adrian seemed upset.

I walked to my classroom.

"Everyone, today we have a new student! Introduce yourself, my dear," Madam Bustier said.

I felt a lump on my throat. But I tried my best to ignore it.

I cleared my throat.
"My name is Cassie Fu Cheng. I'm Chloe's friend and I just transferred schools," I said nervously.

I hated lying. I felt sick to my stomach. But I had to do it and had no other choice!

"Okay Cassie, you can sit next to Chloe," Madame Bustier said.

I sat next to Chloe.
I glanced at what used to be my seat.

Lila sitting next to Adrian clinging to him and digging her long nails to Adrian's arm who seemed to be very uncomfortable.

I chuckled at that!

"Ugh, I hate that liar. More than Dupain_Cheng! At least she wouldn't scare my Adrikins to death like that!" Chloe hissed rolling her eyes at Lila.

"I heard she claims that she's my best friend! I was always in Paris so how could I possibly know her when she just moved here from Italy," I pointed out.

"I know. It's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous," she hissed, "how can they just believe her without fact_checking?"

For once I really agreed with Chloe.

"What is your summer schedule? Do you think we can spend time, Lila?" Rose asked.

"I wish I could! But I have to help my mom with their visit to Queen Elizabeth," Lila lied. AGAIN!

Chloe's eyes were widened in shock.
"Okay, this is getting serious! At first they were some little lies like about you or Jagged Stone and Clara. But lying about the queen of England? Man, she'll get herself into a big mess. Especially with that Cesair girl," Chloe said.

"OMG, that's great!" Mylene exclaimed.

As soon as the bell rang I was headed for lunch.

"Hey Cassie!"

It was......... ADRIAN!

'Calm down! Take deep breaths. Don't stutter! You're not Marinette now. You're Cassie. Act normal,' I thought with myself.

"H-hi, y-you must be A-Adrian Agrest," I greeted stuttering again.

"Yeah, nice to meet you, Cassie," he smiled, "you remind me of a friend of mine."

I felt my heart beating faster and faster.

I could hear Tikki giggling in my head.

'Shut up, Tikki. Now's not a good time," I thought.

"A friend? Who?" I asked.

"Marinette Dupain_Cheng. I went to check on her yesterday after a huge drama to comfort her but she was nowhere to be found. Her parents are getting worried sick," he explained.

Sadness was all over in his voice.

He cared about me? He wanted to check on me? I thought I was unloved and forgotten!

Tears threatened to fall.

'Don't cry! Not in front of him! It will ruin your makeup! Don't cry!' my brain screamed at me.

"Hey, you okay, Cassie?" Adrian asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry about your friend," I muttered.

Adrian smiled again. But it was a sad smile.

"I'll see you around, Cassie," Adrian waved at me and then left.

I let out a long sigh. So I wasn't really unloved and forgotten.

Then I saw Alya and Nino together having lunch. Adrian sat next to Nino.

"Cassie, let's have our lunch. Shall we?" Chloe asked as she dragged me to her table.

"Where's Sabrina? Isn't she your best friend?" I asked curiously because Sabrina wasn't near Chloe.

Chloe sighed and pointed to the group of people around Lila.
Sabrina was with them

"I know my relationship with Sabrina was toxic and I wasn't really a great friend. But it still hurts that Lila took her away from me," Chloe sighed.

I sat next to Chloe.

"Don't worry about it. I can become your friend if you want. But a real one," I said comfortingly.

Chloe was shocked. She didn't know how to react but then she quickly pulled me in a hug.

"But I was really mean to everyone. I revealed my identity as Queen Bee to everyone. I caused lots of akumas. And I got akumatized more than anyone can count! And you're still willing to be my friend despite all the troubles I caused?" Chloe asked unsurely.

"Chloe, you made mistakes. Well everyone does. But I completely understand you. I know how you want your mother to be proud of you. I know how she doesn't pay any attention to you. But know one thing. I'm always here for you," I said in a friendly tone.

She hugged me again.

"Thank you............... Ladybug," she whispered.

A/N: Hi guys. Sorry I didn't update sooner. I was so busy with all these exams, lessons and stories!
But I'll try my best to update sooner next time. And I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And I kinda like Chloe. And I hope she gets more redemption in the show.

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