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A/N: I love Bright and Win as much as the next fujoshi (I mean, the 12 fanfics I've written about Sarawatine is proof) but how fast GMMTV decided to announce a new (non-BL) project for both of them leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I love them and will support them in whatever they do but that doesn't mean I won't fucking ship their Meteor Garden characters to the end of the fucking world.

Disclaimer: My favorite iteration of Meteor Garden is the original --- Japan's Hana Yori Dango with Matsumoto Jun and Inoue Mao (yes, I am aware that the 2001 Taiwan version was filmed first) so I'll be basing most of my information from that. There are a lot of parallels between HYD, BOF, and Meteor Garden so it probably doesn't matter. I don't even know how long this fic is going to be (or if it's ever going to expanded from being a one shot), but I needed it out of my system.

Side note: I'm assuming Thyme is Domyouji/Dao Ming Si, Ren is Rui/Hua Ze Lei, Kavin is Soujiro/Ximen Yan, and MJ is Akira/Feng Meizuo.



Kavin was startled out of his daze by a shrill cry from the next aisle over, causing him to drop the bottle of yogurt drink he was holding. He crouched down to pick up the fallen bottle and saw a small child screaming his little lungs out through the space in between the shelves.

I wonder where his mom is.

He straightened up and tossed the drink inside his basket. Rounding the corner, he approached the child and adjusted his glasses.

“Hi little man. Are you okay?”

The child – with shockingly familiar curly hair -- turned to him with teary eyes and raised both arms. “Papa!” 

“I’m not your papa---”

“Papa!” The child started screaming again.

Kavin sighed and put down his groceries, picking the child up with one arm, the other rubbing soothing circles on his back. The boy sniffled loudly and buried his face in Kavin’s neck, snot dribbling down the collar of the Burberry shirt he was wearing. 

“You’re ruining my designer shirt, mon bébé.”


Kavin’s eyes widened as he tried to pull the boy away. “That’s cute. You speak French.”

“Of course he does.” A cool voice drawled from behind him.

Kavin spun around and found himself looking into the eyes of an old friend. 

“Hello, K.”

“Thyme…” Kavin whispered. He felt his heartbeat quicken in his chest.

The boy unlatched himself from Kavin’s neck and started wriggling in his arms. “Papa!” Kavin put him down gently and watched him run towards Thyme, the older male sweeping him up with a smile on his face.

“Don’t run from your au pair like that, mon petit prince.”

“Okay,” The boy mumbled in Thai, hiding in Thyme’s neck the way he did to Kavin’s.

“He looks just like me, doesn’t he?”

Kavin straightened his collar at the question and picked his basket back up. “Where’s Gorya?” He asked, walking towards the man he hadn’t seen in four years after he fucked off to Paris with his beloved wife without so much of a word goodbye. Not even after they--- Kavin halted his thoughts right there.

We promised never to talk about that.

Thyme shrugged delicately and pressed a soft kiss to his son’s temple. “Probably gallivanting in Vienna with Ren.”

“You let your wife loose in a foreign country with another man?” With Ren, of all people? Kavin thought incredulously. You fought tooth and nail for that girl and you’re just going to let her go?

“Ex-wife.” Thyme corrected. 

Kavin was shocked. “You divorced Gorya?”

Thyme’s mouth pressed tightly into a line. “She did her part. She gave me Julien. I gave her freedom.”

Kavin felt angry for his friend. Yes, he was mad at Thyme for choosing a girl over them – him – and fighting with Ren for the better part of the last two years he was in Thailand, while he and MJ tried to hold down the fort of their rapidly disintegrating friendship. But for Gorya to just up and leave---

“And that freedom just happened to be with Ren?”

Thyme shrugged again, as if the thought of his wife with another man didn't bother him. “She gave up full custody so I let her do what she wants.”

“I guess the alimony doesn’t hurt either.” Kavin replied acidly. He knew how divorces worked in their circle. The rather large dent in his father’s fortune came from paying three alimonies for two ex-wives.

Thyme laughed emptily at the comment. “Yes, the alimony… well. She and Ren won’t be wanting for much anytime soon.”

Kavin was silent. How could things be so different in just a few years? He kept in touch with MJ, of course. It was nice having the boss of the biggest underground crime syndicate as your best friend. But he hadn’t heard from Thyme or Ren since they both went abroad. He knew Thyme and Gorya got married before they left for Paris… he didn’t hear about the baby or the divorce though.

“Master Thyme!” Thyme and Kavin looked away from each other as they saw Julien’s nanny running towards them, a pram in one hand and a baby bag slung over one shoulder. “I’m so sorry, he just ran off ---” 

“Take him to the car,” Thyme said coldly, almost stopping the woman in her tracks with a disapproving glare.

“Yes, sir,” she said quietly, taking the sleeping boy and buckling him in the black pram. She left without another word.

“Fire her.” Kavin said, the moment the woman was out of earshot. “It’s too bad, though. She’s cute.”

“How’s Yuki?” Thyme interrupted, a dark look in his eyes as he stared at Kavin. 

Kavin had been expecting this question. He briefly tried to date his father’s very cute Japanese student while Thyme and Ren were duking it out over Gorya but… it didn’t go anywhere. Nothing ever did --- not since he and Thyme—

Kavin coughed. “She’s in Japan. Why?”

“Just… curious.” Thyme checked the time on his Patek before looking back up at Kavin. “Drinks at my place? For old time’s sake.”

Kavin nodded slowly, taking out his phone from his pocket. “I’ll call MJ.”

Thyme’s hand shot up to wrap around his wrist.

“Don’t.” He said, grip firm around Kavin’s LV bracelet. “Call him tomorrow.” He dropped his hand to Kavin’s fingers and with a soft breath, threaded their fingers together. 

Kavin sighed and pocketed his phone, tightening his own fingers around Thyme’s. “Fine.”

Thyme sent him a soft, guarded smile, and tugged him towards the exit, Kavin’s yogurt drinks forgotten on the floor.

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