Snakes and Willow trees (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Before the statue had fallen, the sorceress had seen a dark shadow blending into the background. It was as if someone was watching them, waiting for them to come. Perhaps the statue was not meant to hit them, just scare them. But both timelords were adamant to make it through the compound and solve the mystery of the disappearing snakes.

They reached a set up double doors, but instead of passing through them, they turned abruptly walking towards a set of stairs that lead up to the second floor. The dust that was settled on the stairs was disturbed by their steps as they climbed up, covering their shoes. As they reached the top, a marble statue loomed in the distance. The closer they got, the more they saw until they were standing right in front of it. The statue looked new as if it had been placed there recently. It was only until they got close, that The Doctor recognise it at once. The statue was of a cloaked figure, a cloaked figure they had all seen before. A gasp was emitted from The Sorceress’ mouth, and she looked upon it. She turned to the Doctor, opening her mouth to speak.

“You know what this is right,” The sorceress whispered to The Doctor, quietly as to not be overheard by the sisters.

He nods hesitantly, “I know, I know. They aren't exactly a new species to me. I have had plenty of experience with these creatures before. Ruthless and cruel, I had hoped not to see them again.”

The sorceress agrees, “after what had happened in Drorolara I hadn't expected to see them again.”

“What are you talking about,” the concerned voice of Bee spoke up, “You guys have been talking a lot, quietly over there. What's the statue of? I haven't seen it before.”

“We definitely have,” The Sorceress murmurs under her breath.

The Doctor laughs quickly, covering up what The Sorceress had said, “Just another alien we had to deal with.”

Bee smiled, unsure. Something fishy was going on. She hated being lied to. But if they were hiding something from her, there surely must be a reason for it.

“Please,” She begged, “We are here too. I know we don't know as much as you, but we are here for the adventure, as well. You can't keep cross out of these secrets.”

The Doctor sighed, “A while ago the sorceress and I went on a trip to Drorolara. As usual there was an adventure to be had.”

The Sorceress interjects, “He always attracts adventures like a moth to a flame.”

The Doctor elbows her, “Anyway, the prince… King, had been controlled by these creatures and the whole population were being mind controlled. Being mind controlled is a horrible thing, especially when someone you care about is under control.”

His eyes briefly glanced over The Sorceress as he said that, but didn’t stray long enough on her for it to be considered strange.

“What are they,” Marla asks as she drags a finger along the details of the marbled statue.

Her fingers slid over grooves, picking up a thing layer of dust. She wipes her fingers on her pants.

“Headless monks,” The Doctor gulped.

“We should probably keep going,” The Sorceress says as she stares stiffly ahead of her, peering into the shadows.

The doctor agrees, and they troop off.

They reach another set of doors, these wooden ones, and The Doctor takes out his sonic, briefly scanning it over the door before lightly pushing the door and standing back. The door creaks open slowly, displaying light over the emptiness of the room, a reddish sort of dust swirling around the door as it opens against the floor. The Doctor, being the most confident out of the group, wearily steps into the room, his shoes clicking against the floor. He uses his green sonic as a flashlight.

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