.Chapter 1.

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.Akashi's POV.

I skated down the sidewalk feeling the wind on my face as I got closer way to the bookstore, people were walking around me honestly I thought it was to loud so I put on my playlist and put on my head phones.

I finally arrived at the bookstore. I inhaled the sweet sent of the candles they had there. The worker there waved at me and said "hey Akashi! back again so soon?" "Yeah I wanted new books again" I replied as I went deeper into the bookstore to collect books.

"Here. These are the books I want for today" I said setting down around 20 books on the counter. "You really love to read don't you?" The worker said as she scanned all of my books. "Yes I have loved reading ever since I was a kid" I said with passion in my voice. The worker finished scanning and I was putting them in my large bag. I then skated out of there happily.

.????? POV.

"Machi is that the boy you talked about?" I said pointing at a boy who was about 5,2 skating with what looks like a heavy bag. "Yes boss that's him" the pink female responded. 'What was his nen ability again?' I thought "machi what is the boys name and nen ability" I asked looking at her. "His name is Akashi lust he is a specialist but he also mastered a enhancer abilities, his specialist ability is that he can transform his entire body to a dragon with impenetrable scales" she stopped to breath, "and he enhances his rollerblades to go faster. But he mostly uses his dragon talons on his human form to fight and or kill" she said, "a lust you say?" I said looking over now quite interested. "Kidnap him and bring him here he will be useful for info and other things" I said smirking "yes boss" machi said before heading off to get the boy.

.Akashi POV.

"I see so the job is at xxx.xxx.xxx correct?" I said on the phone about to get a job. "Yes yes ok I'll be there just transfer the money into my account when after this call ok? Bye"

(Time skip to after the job)
"You were strong but not strong enough to defend yourself" I said as I sliced their head clean off, "job done and I got a lot off money for it now I should head home" I said about to leave putting my claws away when I blacked out...

(Sorry it's short)

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