Chapter 18: Disappointment

Start from the beginning

"Hi, Baby." I greeted my owl affectionately. I took the letter out of her beak, then handed her a treat in return before I stroked the side of her head.

"Who's the letter from?" James asked. I shrugged before turning the letter over. And when I saw who it was from, my breath hitched.

"Shit." I muttered.

"Well?" My friends asked.

I sighed. "It's from Dad." I told them.

Then Al spoke up. "You should open it, Iz."

"But I don't want to." I whined.

"Iz." He sighed. "You really should. You should hear what he has to say. Please? For me."

I sighed heavily then nodded slowly. "Alright." After a few moments, and with shaky hands, I opened the letter and read it silently.

Dear Elizabeth,

I hear it's a Hogsmeade day today. Meet at The Three Broomsticks at Noon.


Your father

I hung my head. What. The. Hell. That's it! I was sort of surprised on how short the note was. I expected him to know by now. But I was sort of nervous and curious on why he wanted to see me. I mean, sure, I miss my dad. I was also glad that he took the time to come all the way over by Hogwarts from America just to see me. But he would never skip out on his job unless it was important. So now, I'm settling myself on the fact that he knew. Now I get to see his reaction in person, which made it harder for me.

I didn't know what was going to happen.

"Well? What did the note say?" Al asked, still munching away on his piece of bacon.


I still had that bewildered look stitched on my face after I finished reading the letter.

"Uhm. He said that he wanted to meet me over at the Three Broomsticks at noon." I say oddly.

"That's it! That's all he said?" James asked incredulously.

"He's coming here?" Rose asked, using a surprised tone as she spoke. In response, I simply nodded. "But he never comes around here unless it's important."

I nodded again, "That's why I'm worried. I assume he already knows. I'm curious, but scared at what he's going to think." I say nervously.

"You going to see him?" Fred asked.

"I guess I have to. It's my dad. I have to talk about it with him." I said.

"Don't worry. It's not gonna be bad." Rose assured.

"Oh, it's gonna be bad." I told her. "Try going up to your father and tell him the date of your death sentence." Rose flinched as I said 'Death'. Rose was still pretty touchy on the subject of my dying. She didn't really like talking about it much, and tried not to have it brought up.

Al rubbed my back, "It's alright, Iz." He said soothingly. "Try not to worry. You have a few hours till you have to meet your dad. How 'bout you be my date to Hogsmeade and I'll try and cheer you up, yeah?"

I looked at him, then at Fred. I really wanted to be Al's date, but I was already going with Fred. I couldn't do that to Fred. "Oh, no no. I'm already Fred's da-"

"It's alright, Liz." Fred spoke up. I looked at him in confusion and with a hint of being surprised. "Go with Al instead."

I shook my head at him. "No, Fred. I'm your date already. You asked me earlier." I told him. "I'm sorry Al, but I'-"

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