"Mace." I said, as I approached her. She was taking a break from the dancing by standing over by one of the tables, and talking to a bunch of Ravenclaw girls.

"Where were you!" She exclaimed. "I was looking everywhere for you! You were gone half an hour at least!"-Then her eyes suddenly grew wide-"You weren't with Elizabeth, were you?"

"No, I wasn't." I lied flatly. "I didn't feel well. I was out for a walk, then went to the loo after 10 minutes or so. I need to rest. Alright if I turn in early? I know you don't want to go early."

She bit her lip. "Yeah. I don't really want to leave, actually."

"You can stay. I just really feel uneasy. Headache really. So it's alright with you, yeah?"

She thought for a moment, then sighed. "Fine. I'll have my cousin escort me back to the common room." She looked annoyed as she said this, and a bit irritated, but I shrugged it off, for I didn't care.

I was still trying to process the thought of Liz dying, so I didn't really give a bloody hell of what she thought. I didn't feel right. I felt like every in my world just flipped over. I was devestated. I felt overwhelmed by the emotion that was running course through me. 'Sides, I wasn't in the mood to party. Nothing as devastating could top the news of what I just found out.

"What the hell happened!" James he growled as he, Rose, and Fred approached me. I was sitting on the ground in front of the fireplace in the Gryffindor Common Room, my back leaning against the seat of the sofa. I had been sitting there for at least an hour, and I didn't even notice anyone coming in and out of the common room's door. I hadn't been paying attention.

I kept a straight face as I stared into the fire, still engulfed into my thoughts. I was still in basic shock. "Are you deaf!"I heard Rose hiss.

No, I am not. Are you trying to question my ability to hear, and are saying that I am incapable of processing your yelling through my ears?

Well sorry to disappoint you, Rose. My hearing is very much working.

"It's been 2 hours and my date's been missing. I searched for Liz at the ball, asked the ghosts, took a look outside, and even checked the girls bathroom and the quidditch pitch. And there's no way Liz would go into the Forbidden Forest at this time of night." Fred said. "But then Rose comes to me, saying she's found Liz crying her eyes out in her dorm."

And once again...I make the girl I love cry. Just bloody great.

"I go back up to the dorms to get something, and I find her in her bed, crying and upset." Rose had now taken over and started scolding me. "And we all know she barely does any of that unless it's something that has to do with you. You're the only person who could ever made her cry. 'Sides, I saw you leave the Ball after Liz left to go for a walk. When I asked your dear lover, she said you went to go for a walk. And you two never came back. Now. Spill."

"Nothing." I tell her, not even looking up from the fire. I didn't want to explain anything, especially in front of Fred, who didn't know anything.

After I spoke, I was sudden hoisted up in the air, Fred's hands grabbing onto my shirt, pulling me up. "Listen! Liz is one of my closest friends that I've got. I know we're related, but I'm gonna push that aside and act like a mate who cares about Liz. I don't want you around her if you keep on hurting her. It's bad enough you started hurting her when you started dating McLoughlin. Then it became even worst that you still picked McLoughlin over Liz. Now, you're just pushing it by making her cry even more. When is it going to end!" Fred yelled as he shoke me. He had that angry look in his eye. This was probably the most I've seen from Fred's emotional side. He was never usually like this. "You stay away from her, if you're going to keep acting like this."

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