Chapter 10: Dancing

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"Don't try and deny things with me, Weasley. You first name's finally defining you. You and your rosy cheeks." I told her. "Now, tell me about Scorp."

She sighed. "Fine." She began. "I'll be honest, I like Scorpius. There. I said it."

I grinned happily. "Finally, you've admitted it! I could tell since from the beginning, really. And by the way you two got along at the victory party last week, you two were practically shouting it to the world that you fancied each other."

"We were not!" She exclaimed.

"Well not literally. But he does fancy you back. I can obviously see that."

"He doesn't fancy me." She says in a small voice.

"Everyone's not blind, Rose. But apparently, you are. Merlin, you're turning into me." I groaned. "For the past weeks, he's been trying to cheer you up. At the victory party, he danced with you and made himself look bad just to make you smile. He sneaks a look at you during potions, and tries to be close with you. When he noticed you got all depressed, he was actually concerned. He fancies you, Rose."

Once again the oblivious woman stared at me wide-eyed. She didn't know what to say from what I can tell. "" She stuttered, for the first time ever, Rose Weasley was completely speechless.

About time.

I smirked in victory of this banter. Ha, my witty-ness totally trumped her stutteringness.

Yeah, "stutteringness" is a word...

In my world.

We eventually arrived after a minute. The classroom was big, spacious, but mostly empty. The entire room basically consisted of a bunch of chairs grouped lined up together on both sides of the room. There was a large gap in the middle, completely empty. Then in the corner was some type of old school record player.

Oh god, I don't even know why our school still has that. It's 2021 for Merlin's beard! Record players was so... 30 years ago.

"Yeah, I'm really confuse now." I tell Rose, surveying the room.

"Girls on the left side, boys on the other." Professor Longbottom told me and a bunch of people who walked in the same time as we did. There was a couple people already sitting down, Al and Maci being one of them. I manage to avoid Al's gaze, and Rose and I sat as far away we could from Maci.

As soon as all the seats were filled up, Professor Longbottom spoke. "Welcome, 5th years." He began. "Now, I'm sure you're all wondering what you're doing here. I'll leave Professor McGonnagal to explain that."

"Thank you Professor." The old woman said. "Now, this year, the teachers and I have decided to have the Spring Ball. Which is, in other words, a dance."

Everyone in the room erupted in murmurs. All the girls were speaking excitedly, the boys however, were a bit more hushed about it.

Professor Longbottom shushed everyone, letting the headmistress continue. "Now, I know that this is 2012, and I have already noted that you prefer jumping around, listening and dancing to music that is otherwise, not classical, but every dance (aside from the Yule Ball, of course) that has been hosted at Hogwarts has had at least one traditional dance. For every dance that was hosted, one house is selected to perform the traditional dance. For this dance, the House of Godric Gryffindor was chosen, meaning all of you must do the traditional ball room dance." I looked across the room, looking at all the boys, having a distressed look upon their face. They didn't mind dances, but ballroom? Ha, they hated it. "The 6th and 7th years are also doing it as well. I have been working which each grade separately. Now, when a girl dances, a beautiful swan is about to escape, but for the boy who chooses to capture the swan. Mr. Potter?" She turns to Al, who had murmured something to one of his friends.

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