Chapter 7: Conscience

Start from the beginning

"So that's why she's always in pain every month? So it's not a stomach ache. It's a heart ache. Literally. But why didn't she say anything! We're her best mates! We're practically family to her! " He exclaimed after I explained the whole situation about do I call it without sounding rude or rash. Disease? Condition? Sickness? Curse? Yeah, that's better. Condition. He was now sitting on the ground, his back against the wall, I was sitting with him and doing the same as well. "I'm so confused."

"She had a lot of reasons, James." I reasoned.

"Like what?" He spat out. He was obviously frustrated and upset. He looked like he wanted to cry, but because of his determination of showing everyone of his manliness, he decided to bite back the tears.

"Well think of it this way, James!" I tell him frustratedly. "Do you want everyone to pity you? To think differently of you? To think that you're not normal? Liz is already suffering through the fact that she already has purple eyes! An eye color no one possesses. Plus she didn't want us getting use to the fact that she's just gonna go so soon. The last thing she wanted to see was us all upset." We both sighed.

"So what happened to her this time? Is she dying?" He said after a long moment of silence.

"Like I said. Hexheartonia's full kick in doesn't come around early. This is just some type of warning. A pre-attack, kind of thing. He heart is actually causing her pain. When the real thing comes around, she won't feel much. It'll just stop her heart, and everything else in her body." I explain.

"So she's suffering already?" James said incredulously.

"James," I began. "She's been suffering since from the day she was born." This whole situation was just too much for us that we didn't even know how to react. There was a mixture of a lot of feelings. Sorrow, concern, worry, depression, fear, and so on. We really care for Lizzie.

She was important to me. To us. To everyone of us.

If Al ever found about Liz's Hexheartonia, he'd be broken for sure. Completely apart. He was the closest to Lizzie, and if he heard about Liz, he'd take it the hardest from the rest of us. And for the fact that he was in love with Liz, it would crush him even more. He'd get depressed as how Grandma Molly was when Uncle Fred died. I was sure he wouldn't find a way out of it.

I try to make Liz's remaining time on this Earth great for her. But drama just couldn't stop following us around. I hate Al even worst for making her hurt more.

But you know what I'll hate even more? It's that if Al and Liz don't make up before May 15th, Al'll blame and hate himself for the rest of his life.


I woke up in a dark room, feeling light-headed, my heart slightly pressured, my thinking was slightly dazed, and my vision was a tad blurry. It felt like being drunk, only I didn't feel like throwing up, and I certainly didn't have a headache. I didn't try and get up, because if I did, I knew that I would've just collapsed back down on the bed. I'm clumsy in this sort of condition.

My vision finally settled a bit. The moon's glow was reflecting through the window and off the walls, giving me an idea of where I was. I then realize I was in the Hospital Wing.


I've been here loads of times. All due to my stupid little disease, and because of quidditch of course.

I've gotten a few broken bones a fair amount of times from the years before. I've also gotten a bludger hit me in the gut too. Most people make it seem like it doesn't hurt to the extent you feel like you're about to die. But trust me. When a bludger hits you full force in the gut, I felt like I had to throw up my intestines.

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