Chapter One

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Heya guys here's the first chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

You can't fully explain what it's like to feel alone. Nobody can understand what your going through unless they go through it to. People can say your overreacting, Or your taking comments to seriously, But they don't understand how much comments actually hurt. The words people say to them it could just be an everyday word, But to a person like me a small word can mean everything. We live in a world where were judged for everything, You always have people who think there above you, Or think there better then you because they have something that you don't, Whether that's a piece of clothing, A laptop, A new phone, It can be anything. Bullies there everywhere, There in your workplace, There on the streets, There on the Internet, There at school. I know what everyones thinking, Everybody gets bullied right? Yeah everybody gets bullied but some people get it worse then others. Your bullied for being different, If you don't fit in your an outcast. I've been considered an outcast for years, I'm bullied, I'm judged, I'm torn down for being myself, What kind of life is that? I don't want to buckle, I don't want to be something I'm not, But sometimes it's all I want to do. When I'm being bullied I wish I could fit in, When the bloods pouring down my body, I wish I was somebody else. Everybody suffers, Some people they express themselves, But others they suffer in silence. I have two friends that's all, Cher and Sam. There amazing they bring me up when I'm feeling down, They make me feel like I'm not an outcast, They stand up for me against the bullies, But they can't stop me feeling low. They can't protect me from my own worst enemy, They can't protect me from myself. Every harsh word that's ever been spoken to me is tattooed in my mind. I can't forget them, It's like no matter what there always going to be there, Nobodys ever going to make me feel special, Nobodys going save me from myself, Nobodys ever going to love me the way I want to be loved.

I feel like I'm always under pressure, I'm under pressure to become something I'm not. My two friends there amazing, They could fit in with the populars just like that, But they don't they stay with me, When I'm around them my true personality comes out, I'm loud, Carefree, Happy, But when were at school I'm a different person. I'm quiet, I'm afraid. I've known Cher since we were kids, We grew up together, Sam he started at the school around three years ago, He stood up for me when the populars kicked off one day, We've been friends ever since. I love them both so much there the only ones I know I can rely on. That's why I know there going to support my decision. It's our final year at school before we go off to college,  I want to not to be judged, So I've decided I'm going to change the way I look, Maybe it will make a difference, Maybe it won't, But all I know is if I can make my life a little easier, Then maybe fighting my inner demons will become easier, If I change the way I look they can't judge me by my appearance.

"Nialler I got your message what's up?" Sam asked as he walked into my bedroom.

"Where's Cher?" I asked. 

"Picking up some Nandos" He replied, I grinned, That's my Cher.

"God I love that girl" I stated, Sam chuckled before dropping down on the bed. 

"So what's up?" He asked.

"I want you guys to give me a makeover" I stated, Sam eyes widened.

"What?! Why?" He stated.

"Well for one I need one, And secondly I want to make life a little easier for myself" I exclaimed.

"Nialler you don't have to change who you are because you want to fit in, You don't want to be like everybody else" Sam replied.

"I'm not just doing it for them, I'm doing this for me, I want to feel better about myself, Besides I need a hair cut at least, My hairs way to long" I stated, Sam groaned.

"I'll do your hair that's all" He stated, I grinned.

"Well I wasn't going to ask you for fashion advice, Well maybe for your hats" I stated with a cheeky grin, Sam shook his head before laughing happily.

"Cher's not going to like this you know" He said.

"That's why I'm hiding behind you when she gets here" I stated before grabbing Sam's hat and rushing out the room.

"Oi!" He yelled before chasing after me.

"Boys I'm here and I brought food!" Cher yelled as she made her way into my house, Myself and Sam grinned at eachother before racing into the kitchen.

"Cher I love you!" I stated as I rushed over to her, Cher chuckled before shaking her head.

"I love you too Nialler, Where's Sam?" She asked as she pulled the food from the bags.

"Niall's fast for his size" Sam stated as he made his way into the kitchen gasping for air, Cher laughed before throwing a bottle of water in his direction.

"Man up" She commented, Sam pulled a face behind her back before smiling as she turned around.

"So movie night?" Cher asked, I nodded my head as I bit into my chicken.

"Nialler wants to tell you something first" Sam stated as he took a sip of his water. 

"Oh yeah, What's that?" Cher asked with a smile on her face.

"Erm, Well, I, Erm, I want a makeover" I mumbled, Cher's eyes widened.

"Why?" She asked.

"I just fancy a change, And maybe it could help my self esteem" I stated.

"Your doing it to fit in aren't you?" She exclaimed.

"Is that so wrong?" I asked.

"Well no, But I don't want you to change" She said.

"I'm not, Not really anyway, Just a new hair cut, New style that's all, I'm still gonna be Nialler" I stated, Cher nodded her head.

"Well then I support your decision" She stated, I smiled happily.

"Who's doing what?" She asked.

"Well I was thinking Sam could do my hair, And you can deal with my style?" I suggested, Cher nodded her head.

"Sounds best, I wouldn't trust Sam with style" She said with a smirk, Sam fake gasped before throwing a chip at Cher, Cher then threw one back and I chuckled at the both of them.

"Tomorrow were shopping, Sam no excuses! For now who fancies a Harry Potter marathon?" Cher stated, Myself and Sam nodded our head before following Cher into the sitting room with our plates of food. 

Sam and Cher are amazing, Whatever decisions I make they always support me. Whenever I'm with them they make me forget how low I feel. There my bestfriends in the whole world and I never want to lose them. Were all completely mad which is probably why we get along so well, Even though Sam is apart of the football team he still sticks with us because he's a total nutter at heart. I couldn't wait to have my make over, I didn't know if it was going to help but it's the only option I have, Maybe I will fit in maybe I won't, But at least I can hold my head up high and be proud of my appearance. 

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