She sat down next to Steve and handed him his drink, taking the silence-filled time to sip on her own drink.

On the other hand, Steve took the time to admire Daisy's apartment. It was littered with tons of plants, fake and real, and to top it all off, bundles of fake candles were bunched together in groups everywhere.

Daisy, tired of the silence, decided to speak up first. "So how has your day been? I mean- other than having to walk all the way here in the rain."

"It's been okay." Steve responded, laughing a bit at her disclaimer. "Oh! Here!" He took out something from his jean pocket. It was a gorgeous sapphire necklace. "I saw it in the window and I thought of you."

Daisy's ears glowed red, shining against the natural light pouring through the windows. "Thank you so much! It's beautiful." She clipped it behind her neck, watching as it shimmered to a light purple then back to a dark blue. The formal necklace Steve had gotten her didn't match her casual outfit at all, but she still wanted to wear it.

"Do you play music?" Steve asked, looking towards the piano in the corner of her living room.

He watched as Daisy's shy face turned into a beam, it felt like light was just falling off of her cheeks. "Yes, actually! I'm working on my first few songs, actually!"

"That's really amazing." Steve exclaimed. "Can you play one for me?"

Daisy grinned, and Steve swore it was the best thing he had ever seen. They both walked up to the piano and Daisy sat down, letting Steve stand on the side of the keyboard and lean over it.

"Bare with me, I only have a verse and half of the chorus so far. This is my dream track three for if I ever make an album." Steve nodded, a goofy lop-sided grin on his face. If any of his friends in that moment saw him, they'd know that he was in love. "I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover..."

It was a love song. Daisy wrote it about who she hoped her soulmate would be. She only wondered if she had met them already, and wondered that if she hadn't, would she know when she met them? Daisy would have to know if they knew who she was, but maybe she didn't know them. Maybe they were a mutual of Gray, or Jo.

On that topic, as she sang the parts of the song that she had written down, she also thought about what gender her soulmate may be. It didn't truly matter to her, but she had suspected it was a male since the only female friend she had was Gray. She couldn't make assumptions, though.

"Wait!" Daisy exclaimed, shocking Steve a bit. He watched as she scrambled to find her pen and write something down. He peered at his pinkie, the golden soulmate string glowing brightly.

For some reason, in that moment, whilst he stood in Daisy's apartment, watching her eagerly write down lyrics and notes, he didn't really care.

Many people never found their soulmates yet fell in love, and most of those people ended up together in the end.

So right then, as he realized that he wanted to take Daisy out on a proper romantic date, he knew that even if, in the slightest chance, that she was his soulmate, he wanted to be with her.

"Okay, so here's a new lyric, and I need your opinion on it." Daisy demanded, cracking her knuckles.

Steve looked at her with a slightly tilted head. "Why me?"

"Because I trust you to be brutally honest with me if need be." She cleared her throat and coughed before gulping down her nervousness. "Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?" Steve didn't know that that line was about him in that moment, but it was still mesmerizingly beautiful.

"That fits really well." He exclaimed, leaning against the off-white wall.

"Thanks!" Daisy replied, a big smile plastered across her face. She scanned the room for a moment, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"What're you-?"

"Shh!" She yelled, Steve immediately snapping his mouth shut. A few moments of silence passed, it was comfortable, but he really didn't know what Daisy was doing.

"Holy shit..." Daisy breathed, holding her pen tightly until her knuckles turned white. "I just wrote a song!"

She quickly scribbled down the rest of the lyrics and notes, Steve watching as her face contorted from confusion to excitement in a matter of seconds.

"Wow, how long have you been working on that song?" He asked, rubbing his hands against his jeans to try and warm them up. He couldn't lie, it was quite cold.

"I've had the tune in my head for a while, but I just started putting words and actual notes into it a few days ago." Steve nodded, not understanding how someone could write a whole song that fast. "Okay, here's the whole thing- We could leave the Christmas lights up until January..."


He says; "Baby, is something wrong?". I say "Nothing, I was just thinking about how we don't have a song.

invisible string ─ s. rogersWhere stories live. Discover now