Stuck in the Middle with you

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Somewhere on the way to the Angel Cave..

The drive to the cave was quiet to say the least, only coupled with the occasional questions from Chris and Bruce about whether Faith was telling the truth about the supplies in the cave or how it could be a trap. You had to reassure them at least 5 or 6 times and it was getting annoying after a while they kept to themselves while you and Hudson talked up front.

"So rook after this is all over what are you gonna do." Hudson asked looking over at you. You thought about it for a while then answered "Oh I don't know I don't make plans that far ahead, I'm just taking it day by day."

"How are you handling everything so well." Hudson asked sirmking." "I don't know i guess I'm just built differently." You look at her returning her smirk.

Little did you know in the back seat Chris and Bruce were having a conversation of their own in the back.. "So whats the plan here"? Bruce asked in a hushed whisper, "After we get the supplies we clip the deputies and tell the others it was an ambush and then flower girl will be left defenseless." "Good Bruce said setting his head back only as long as I'm the one that clips him." Chris chuckled "Deal but I call dibs on that revolver of his."

Hope county Prison...

Faith stirs in her cell and sets up restless while rubbing her head. Faith looks up to see Whitehorse with a tray in his hand.

"Chow time Faith." He says unlocking the cell and stepping in, "Have your heard from (Y/N) yet"? Whitehorse sets the food down and rubs the back of his head before answering "No nothing yet were hoping to here back from them soon the people here really need those supplies." The sheriff says before noding and leaving.

As soon as the Sheriff left Faith started to tear into her food as she was starving she didn't even look up from her tray until she heard a voice. "You may have the deputy fooled but you won't fool me." Faith looked up to see Tracy.

"Tracy im" Faith tried to speak up before being interrupted "Save it Rachel I don't wanna hear it I just wanted to let you know that The deputy can't protect you forever you'll betray us your just simply biding your time."

"Tracy leave the prisonor alone." Whitehorse said walking up to the cell
Before she left Tracy shot Faith a glare which caused her to look down in fear.

Whitehorse walked up to the cell and asked if Faith was ok she simply nodded. Tracy wasn't entirely wrong she was biding her time once Y/N returned with the supplies and he would it seemed nothing could bring that man down, even her older brother Jacob who was one of the toughest people she knew failed to convert you. But never the less she had to find a way back to Joseph but how she just needed to bid her time.

About 3 miles out to the Angel cave

"Are we there yet?" Bruce groaned out from the back seat "Yeah about 3 miles out we should be their soon. After you said that Hudson reached over and cut on the radio and the song oh the bliss came on the radio Hudson cringed at the song changing to the Whitetail station. "I don't know how anyone can listen to that peggie crap." Hudson said

You laughed at this "I don't know Hudson I don't find it all that bad." Your kidding right Hudson said looking over at you shocked that you actually find Eden Gates music enjoyable. "I mean Edens Gate is crazy don't get me wrong but I find their music ok, "Your weird Rook Hudson said chuckling.
"I'm full of surprises" you said looking at her smirking.

"Alright were here you say parking the car q good distance away from the cave. The four of you get out of the car and check your equipment. You take your Ak-ms whitetailer and check the magazine before putting additional magazines in your pouches after you check your colt python revolver before putting it on your waist, then finally you take your 1911 and put it on your leg holster.

You make your way to the rest of the group
"You ready Rook Hudson asked with her ak-47 ready "You looked around yeah but first we should discuss strategy." "What are you thinking deputy Bruce asked looking around the area. You thought for a while "Here's the deal me Hudson and Chris will clear out the cave but Bruce I need you to stay here and clear out any stragglers we don't need anyone escaping to go tell Joseph.
Everyone nodded in agreement knowing their jobs Chris and Bruce shared a look which you caught but didn't question at first, "before we go in guys silencers on now let's move out."

Walking up to the cave you gave out the signal for Hudson to take point to which she nodded and did upon entering the cave you and Hudson shot two Peggies who were standing by the entrance. Making your way through the cave a voice called out its the deputy he's here. "Crap you thought so much for doing this quiet" you thought.

The three of you took cover behind a wall engaged in a fire fight against the peggies.
While firing Chris saw the cages that held the angels and shot at them letting them go before ducking in a room and closing the door hoping that they would overwhelm and kill you, he radioed to Bruce outside "Bruce do you copy"? "I copy what's going on, "I shot the cages containing the Angels Chris said hopefully they overwhlem them if they don't then we'll take them out come in and stand by." I copy im on my way".

"Where the Hell is Chris"? Hudson said shooting at Angels and peggies from all sides

"I don't know you said shooting catching an Angel in the head. All of a sudden while you were reloading two angels tackle you to the floor. You kick one to the side before pulling out your 1911 and shooting both of them in the head. You get up and shoot the last peggie in the neck he falls to the floor bleeding out trying to grab his gun before Hudson finishes him off.

You both breath a sigh of relief "OK now where's those damn supplies  damn supplies looking around you find a gated door and behind it Guns ammo medical supplies and M.R.E.S Hudson its right here its you look up to see Chris coming around the corner "Chris where the hell have you been you yelled "hey take it easy dep I got backed into another room during all the fighting "You shot him a glare not believing his bullshit but decided you'd deal with it later.

Bruce then walked in the room "Bruce didn't y/n tell you to wait and see if anyone runs out"? He did Bruce chuckled but I don't take orders from him." Bruce said before taking out his pistol and shooting Hudson in the side. "Hudson you yelled you son of a bitch you said before putting your hand on your revolver.

" I don't think so Deputy drop your gun. Chris said pressing the barrel of his gun up against your head.

A/N how's everyone doing I, I know its been a while but I had trouble writing this chapter but alas it's out I'm hoping to have the next chapter out in about 3 weeks. But I'm also thinking about adding another story with an actual named character maybe a walking dead fic or a resident evil one since were in spooky season let me know till next time peace.

Ignorance is Bliss Faith x Male Deputy readerWhere stories live. Discover now