Chapter 1. 'giving up'

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It was a regular day in the magical school called 'Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry' Well that is if you count all the object in the school shaking like they were about to explode especially in one particular boy's dorm room where a 14-year-old boy was currently screaming bloody murder and thrashing everywhere in his bed.

"What do we do!?!?"Said a shaking Ronald Weasley.

"One second I'll be back!"Said one Neville Longbottom who was on his way to McGonigal's office when the rest of the students in the school and all the teachers came running towards him with worry, fear, and tiredness on their faces.

"Mr.Longbottom what in the name of Merlin is going on here!"Shouted Professor McGonagal with all the teachers and students following behind her.

"I don't know one-minute everyone was sleeping the next we were thrown off our beds with Harry screaming bloody murder telling someone by the name of Uncle Vernon to stop..."Neville said in one breath while clutching on to his wand so tight they all thought it was going to break.

McGonigal breathed out a sigh when the headmaster came rushing down the hall 'worry' shining in those annoying twinkling eyes.

"Is everyone alright, what's everybody doing awake??"

The air-headed Headmaster named Albus Wolfred Brian Dumbledore asked McGonigal.

Just then every Gryffindor except harry who was still in the dorm room came running out screaming for help.


They all heard one of the Gryffindors yell while hiding behind the teachers with the rest of the students.

"One second."

A very annoyed Draco Malfoy said before walking into the Gryffindor common room.

"Mr. Malfoy what are you doing!"

Snape yelled but it was too late as Draco was already in Harry's dorm room and they heard Draco say something they never thought they would hear.

"Baby wakes up he's not going to hurt you anymore..."

Draco exclaimed as everyone walked into the self enlarging common room where they saw Draco stoking Harry's hair while reassuring harry that Vernon wasn't going to hurt him.

"What is going on."

They all heard someone everyone was still scared of ask in a hushed terrified voice.


They heard harry softly say.

"Pup what's going on?? Are you ok!?"

They heard Sirius black ask in a fatherly voice.

"I'm ok it's just..."

Harry said in a weak voice like he was crying.

"I-I don't like it here... every year I end up almost dying and then after that I have to go back to the Dursleys and them.. he, he r-raped me siri.."

They all heard harry say causing everyone minus dumbledore gasp.

"He what!?! Oh, pup I'm so sorry if you want you could stay at Grimmauld Place."

Sirius said causing dumbledore to growl lowly without anyone hearing.

"No Siri that's not what I meant and you know that. I just-"

They all froze in shock and sadness at the next words he said.

"I give up."


Alright, that was the first chapter guys I hope you enjoyed the second chapter should be up soon bye guys!!

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