Chapter 4 'The talk'

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Harry was about to knock on the door when he felt an excruciating pain come over him, he remained silent though because he learned from his uncle that when you scream at the person that is inflicting the pain on you it makes them happier but also angrier so he just let the pain wash over him not realizing he had about forty shocked death eaters and one shocked Voldemort. Harry was just about to knock on the door deciding to just get it done and over with when he heard the person he never thought he'd hear again.


"Babe-" Harry began to say while turning around to face his furious and also tear-stained boyfriend.

"Do not babe me potter what the hell are you thinking handing your death over to the dark lord like that you can't just abandon me like that you know exactly what would have happened if you did die!!!" Draco said while harry stared at his boyfriend while his face screwed up in pain having just given the crucio cast on him, time to start blaring pain harry had felt a few times before when Vernon would hurt him in ways that didn't leave physical scars but internal and mental scars. And as soon as Draco saw the face harry was making he knew exactly what was going to happen.

"Babe doesn't think about him," Draco said running a soothing hand through Harry's hair while the death eaters and Voldemort stared in shock as the supposed golden boy who was nothing but happy had a mental breakdown with Draco Malfoy of all people helping him through it.

"I'm sorry Draco but what the hell is going on here.?" Lucious Malfoy asked staring at his son in something akin to disgust but also a hint of proudness hiding in the glare he was giving his son.

"FAthEr!!" Draco yelled shocked while looking up letting everyone see the tears that were forming in his eyes while helping his...boyfriend.

"I-it's not what it looks like I swear!!" Draco said and they could all tell he was scared of not just his father or Voldemort but he was still scared of the fact that any moment later and his love would have been dead or being tortured (Voldemort stopped the cruciatus curse he put on Harry when he started having a mental breakdown).

"Draco, step away from Potter right now," Lucious said thinking Draco would listen.

"No," Draco said shocking everyone including himself.

"What do you mean 'no' Draco, I am your father and you will listen to me, now get away from Potter Draco," Lucious said getting angry.

"I said no father!" Draco said while harry realized what was going on and curled into himself feeling severely self-conscious.

"Drake it's ok I need to talk to Voldemort anyways" harry said to Draco while running a hand through his hair ignoring the flinch from everyone except Voldemort and himself.

"But-" Draco started only to be interrupted by harry kissing him quickly before he stood up and walked in front of the dark lord.

"Yes, Potter?" The dark lord sneered but was also very confused as to why Harry Potter was in front of him, Harry looked back and Draco could tell harry was saying 'I love you'.

"I love you too harry," Draco said before tears started cascading down his face as he apparated to the Slytherin common rooms.

Once Draco was gone he turned back to the dark lord and said two words that shocked everybody.

"Kill me"

And not even 2 seconds later Harry Potter was no more.

Sorry for the major character death there but the will be an epilogue coming out in around a week so stay tuned for that!

(I might make the school's reaction to finding out harry died so it might be one more chapter and then the epilogue.)

(Edit: I decided to make an alternative ending and the final chapter instead of the schools reactions lets just say Dumbledore got what he deserved for manipulating harry, Draco ended up dying because he betrayed the dark side Hermione and iron got married and had a bunch of kids yada yada the dark side won but Hermione, Ron and pretty much everybody else moved away to America or someplace that speaks English except for Europe Hermione and iron get a bunch of grandkids and end up dying from old age, and everybody is super sad when they find out Harry died Idk, Draco and Harry meet in heaven and hug each other while crying and then they adopt a bunch of angel babies and live happily ever after greeting all their friends and family when their time has come and everybody lives happily ever after greeting everybody that lived children grandchildren and so on and every parent that died child/children their time had come to the end.) 

(ill be making the alternative ending soon also I posted an edited version of this story on it's under the same name so search it up, I only have a couple of chapters edited so far but the ones uploaded already I'm really proud of so please check them out! until next time, bye my lovelies!)

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