Chapter 22 Nico's POV The Lost Family

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The Shadowhunters looked at each other then Jace said. “We could try giving him a mark.”


The other two Shadowhunters stared at him in shock.


“We cant do that! What if we’re wrong?” Isabelle yelled.


“It could turn him into a Forsaken!” Alec added.


I looked around and realised the other campers were all standing up and looking at me in shock.


“What’s a Forsaken?” I asked.


Isabelle turned to look at Alec and then back to me. “A forsaken is a human that has been turned into a Monster. But...It could also give you the powers of a Shadowhunter if it works.”


I was a little unsure of these runes if they might turn me into a Monster, but if it could help me save Percy…...


“Could it help us win against Gaia and Sebastian, if I was a Shadowhunter?”


“Yes.” Jace said.


“Ok then…...Give it a shot.” I told them.


“Are you sure?” Alec asked.


“Yes.” I told them “I’m ready.”


Isabelle nodded took out a silvery, rock like, stick.


“What is that?” I asked.


“Its my Stele, I’m going to draw the rune on your arm okay? It might sting a little...” She said.


Isabelle pressed the Stele to the skin on my lower left arm, and began to draw. It did sting so I looked down at my arm. I saw swirling back lines coming from the point of the Stele, and I saw Isabelle’s face with a focused look on it. After a minute she stepped back her eyes wide in shock.


“It stayed.” She said in surprise….


Looking down at my arm I saw a Mark that looked like the astrological sign for Taurus.


It’s the rune for Angelic power, now you can get other runes as well.


“Good! well, now that I have my first mark and  that’s done I’m going to find my Dad.

I pulled the shadows to me and shadow traveled out of camp half-blood


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