Chapter Thirty: 1999, New Years Eve

Start from the beginning

'You're pregnant?' He asked, pulling away.

'Yes.' She said, laughing.

'We're having a baby?' He asked.

'Yes, Draco.' She smiled. He dropped to his knees and placed a kiss to her stomach through the silk of her dress before straightening up and kissing her lips once more.

'Why were you so worried about telling me?' He asked a minute later.

'I didn't know how you'd react, we're not even married yet.'

'I'm bloody over the moon. Who cares if we're not married yet.' He cried, spinning her around again.

'I'm so glad you're this happy,' Hermione said as he put her down, swaying slightly. 'But you need to stop spinning me or I'm going to be sick.'

'Oh, shit. Sorry.' Draco said, rubbing gentle circles on her back.

'It's okay, it's passed now.' Hermione assured him, taking his hand. 'Let's go back in before they think we're up to something.'

Draco smirked. 'Well, maybe we should give them something to talk about.'

'Draco.' Hermione said in a warning tone. 'It's almost midnight, we can't miss the countdown with everyone.'

'Okay,' he said as he placed one last kiss on her lips. 'Do I have to keep this quiet?'

'We'll tell everyone later.' She promised as they walked back inside just in time to count down to the new year, and the new millennium.

They kissed as the clock struck midnight and Draco placed a hand on Hermione's stomach as they did.

A couple of hours later, after the majority of the guests had left, Draco suggested they go to a smaller sitting room for drinks. He led Hermione by the hand while Blaise and Luna, Harry and Ginny, Ron and Pansy, and Narcissa and Andromeda followed them. They were the only guests left and just the people that Draco was itching to tell his and Hermione's exciting news to.

There was a bottle of Firewhiskey with nine glasses sitting on a tray with a steaming mug of camomile tea. Hermione cursed herself for not telling Pippy, the (paid) house elf, to not make her secret obvious to everyone.

'Who's having the tea?' Blaise asked with a slight slur. Hermione faltered as she sat down, not thinking of an excuse quick enough, but Narcissa spoke.

'That's me, Blaise. I'm afraid a woman of my age can't drink past a certain time.' She said with a smile, but she caught Hermione's eye and sent her a wink.

Did she know? When Narcissa sat next to her on the sofa and gave her knee a comforting squeeze, she took that as a yes. When no one was looking Narcissa switched the tea into a crystal glass so that it somewhat resembled Firewhiskey and handed it to Hermione.

'Thank you.' Hermione whispered to Narcissa.

'No, my darling.' Narcissa replied in a whisper. 'Thank you.'

Hermione tried not to burst into tears at Narcissa's words. Knowing that they would slip out if she spoke, she took Narcissa's hand instead and gave it a squeeze.

Draco sat on Hermione's other side and, when everyone had received a drink, he cleared his throat.

'To the new year.' Draco said, watching as everyone took a sip. 'And to Hermione's pregnancy.'

Everyone spat their drink out, besides Narcissa but including Hermione, while Draco smirked at their reactions.

'Merlin, Draco, when you said you were excited to tell them I didn't think you'd do it like this.' Hermione hissed.

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