Chapter One

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May 1981

Chateau Marmont

Alyx sits at the dining table, in a white collared shirt one leg underneath her whilst the other swings off of the chair. It's around 11am, the sun is barging its way through the windows of the private bungalow and onto the plate of pancakes she's been picking at for about 20 minutes now. Forgoing the knife and fork, she rips another strip off of the pancake as she focuses back on the conversation going on behind her on the sofa.

Alyx's POV

I turn around in my chair shoving a bit of pancake in my mouth as he catches my eye contact and smiles. I smile back with the pancake making half my face resemble a chipmunk.Chris, Christopher Bannon, as white collared as they come till it comes to; the parties, the drugs and the booze but how can you avoid that working for a record company in the eighties. Don't get it twisted this isn't true love - I don't do that. This isn't that kind of story. I'm an only child of hippies from San Fransisco. He's likes to party and so do I. We get fucked up and have sex. I'm under no illusion we're exclusive, I don't want to be tied down either - and he knows that. But he's a nice guy. We met when I started my bartending job at a strip club called The Seventh Veil. He invited me and my friends to a party that night and 8 months on not much has changed. My life is work - party - drink - drugs - sex - comedown - sleep and repeat. I'm 19, single and living in LA with my best friend. This is what younger me dreamed of. I don't have big dreams I just want to live, live it all.He's been on the phone for the past half hour talking about some band. I'm starting to comedown and not I've even slept yet. Everyone else that partied here last night left around 5am. Chris and I just fucked some more and dropped more quaaludes.

"No I don't know Jim maybe you should have thought about that before you agreed to front them the $7000 to record that horse shit that will never get radio time..." I watched him as I continued to chew. He spoke so calm, probably that last remnants of the quaaludes in his system. "Look I'll get ready and make my way over to the studio and talk to Bill maybe he can...", I zoned back out looking out over at the pool in the forecourt just outside of the bungalow."Hey kid" he said above me with his hands of my shoulders making me crane my head upwards to see him. "I need to head out so can you make sure the bungalow is locked up when you leave?". I looked up at his 6ft tall frame. His short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes to match make him very easy to look at but not my usual type as my friends like to keep reminding me.

"Yeah no problem I'm just gonna shower here first then go myself water pressure at my apartment isn't worth shit." I smile back at him, as I take a cigarette out of the packet next to my torn up pancakes. I'm not even half way through my cigarette when Chris reemerges from the bedroom dressed in his power suit, hair all slicked back and brief case in hand. It was actually impressive how quickly he'd put himself back together especially after the party last night. "I'll call you kid, be good." he points at me as he shuts the door to the bungalow. I make my way over to the door and turn the lock and head for a shower.


I get out the shower throw my platinum blonde hair up in a towel and search the bedroom for my clothes from last night.My favourite Velvet Underground t-shirt? Check. Denim shorts hanging on a lampshade? okay sure, not certain how they ended up there but check. Where the hell is my underwear? Did I even wear any underwear? I thought drying my hair with the towel as if it'll help my scrambled brain remember. I give up, one commando bus ride home won't kill me. Chris did leave me money to get a cab but it's really not that far and the money saved will be worth it to buy booze or food with. I shove the money in my shorts pocket. Throw my boots and my leather jacket on, grab a bottle of unopened champagne as a souvenir and I'm out the door. Good Morning L.A, afternoon whatever the fuck it's another sunny day.


Larrabee Street

Walking up the stairs to the apartment I can hear Queen on the record player. I unlock the door and see Joey shimmying his way around the kitchen to Somebody To Love. I shut the front door which makes him spin round with excitement like a puppy that's just seen it's owner come home."Oh she's alive?!, the princess has returned from the castle on sunset." Joey says, I turn the record player down as I make my way towards Joey who opens up his arms to hug me. "Not in a Queen mood? Well you were last night when I left," He laughs.

"The comedown is coming down and fast after that bus ride." I remove myself from Joey's hug, wipe a hand over my face placing the champagne on the kitchen counter and walking to my room to change into some underwear and an oversized t shirt.I drag myself back into the living room and onto the couch next to Joey, lying my head on the arm of the sofa and throwing my legs over his lap. Thankfully he'd turned the record player off and turned the tv on to a very low volume. He gets me.Joey is my best friend in the world the real Sonny to my Cher if Sonny was a gay man with the best auburn mullet you've ever seen.

"So how was boardroom Ken this morning?" he smirked at me.

Not even lifting my head from the arm of the sofa I reply, "He's good had some business stuff to do so left not long before me, I'm sure there will be another party soon, he's paid up at the castle until next month".We lounged on the sofa watching the Price is Right and holding hands, with me still unable to lift my head from the arm of the sofa just trying to ride out this comedown. Just as my eyes finally start to get heavy there's a knock on the door.

"Let me in sluts!" an upbeat texan accent sounds from behind the apartment door. Joey gets up and opens the door to let our friend Tiny in. 
Tiny is a stripper that works at the same club I bartend. She's average height 5"6 but with me and Joey both being 5"9 the nickname just stuck. Her real name is Tori Greenfield, she's beautiful but not one of those girls that throws it in your face, we met on my third shift there and we've all been friends since.
I crane my neck up to meet her smiley gaze as she sits down in the seat next to me. Joey closes the door and sits on the chair next to the sofa as the interrogation starts. 
"So what's going on with you and boardroom Ken? Did he say if he could get us in to any shows this week? I'm sorry I left early last night did much else happen? I met this guy and he invited me to another party tonight actually and-".

"Christ Tiny take a breath!" Joey laughed at my outburst as Tiny finally stopped asking questions. "You've both got to stop calling Chris, boardroom Ken," It is funny though I thought "nothings going on the same old I've not got feelings for him like that we both see other people, what was that about a party tonight? and what guy?" I yawned, I really need to sleep soon.

"Well he said he works at the whiskey. His name's Gary, he was there last night you didn't meet him?" I shake my head, "Well he knows this band too, Motley Crue who told him there's a party tonight up in the hills, so we're going right?" Her head darted between Joey and I for agreement.Me and Joey locked eyes and faked and uncertain look back at Tiny before cracking up and both laughing.

"Yeah of course we're going but fuck I need to drink a gallon of water and sleep first we'll leave here about 11". Joey had gotten up whilst I was talking and already come back to the living area all dressed for his job at the Roger's Super-mart. "There was no blow left over from last night so we'll have to find some at this party."

"Sweet" Tiny practically squealed jumping out of her seat. "Well I'll leave you to your beauty sleep and you to go to work, I have a good feeling about tonight."

"You say that about every party" Joey laughed as him and Tiny headed out together. I skulked off to my room shutting the curtains and giving my body a rest before the debauchery begins again, tonight.

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