Chapter Ten - Part One

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There they both sat, on cold linoleum in the bathroom. The sound of The Velvet Underground floating in from the vinyl player in the living room. Nikki in just his jeans with black dye on his head waiting for it to take and both impatiently waiting for the acid to hit. "Are you feeling anything yet?" Nikki asked.

"Nah dude not yet. I bought it from Gary... wouldn't be surprised if he sold me plain old paper. It's only been max 20 minutes give it a bit longer" Alyx let out a huff. She knew she should have been feeling it by now but nothing.

"Why would he do that?" He tilted his head.

"Guy's a dick, wish he wasn't still buzzing around Tiny."

"He's actually alright - just a bit weird. But speaking of dicks where's your old man tonight?" He teased putting a small dig into Alyx's shoulder.

"Do you mean Chris?" She shot him a look which made Nikki chuckle. "Well he's not my boyfriend so why do I care? To be honest I've not spoken to him since you guys came to watch Tiny at the Veil. He seems to be convinced me and you have fucked and it's sent him a bad shade of green."

"But we've not—"

"—I know I've told him more than once but he's really jealous for some reason he's never got like this before. Told him I needed space."

"Oh yeah? But he's not like your boyfriend right?" Nikki perked up.

"No, not that he's not tried but I don't want a boyfriend...right now anyway. Maybe I'll call him tomorrow I don't know...maybe I'm best to be shot of him." Nikki opened his mouth to reply before Alyx continued cutting him off before he started. "He's throwing a party at his new house next week you're all invited Motley and whoever else really."

Nikki nodded, "I won't turn down a party but it'll be nothing like a Motley party." He stuck his tongue out between his teeth.

"I wouldn't be so sure, it gets pretty wild. You best be able to keep up." Alyx stuck her tongue out at Nikki, which makes him throw his head back laughing.

"HA, I'm sure I'll manage. Now can you wash this out? It's starting to burn." Nikki let out a nervous chuckle.

- Twenty minutes later -

"There, all done now go wait in my room an-"

"-Don't have to tell me twice." Nikki interrupted with a mischievous smirk as he took the towel from Alyx and began to dry his head. Alyx shook her head but couldn't be annoyed if she tried.

"AND wait for me to pee I was trying to say, then I'll dry that mop of yours properly rockstar. Go on." Alyx pushed Nikki by his chest out into the hallway and began to shut the bathroom door their eyes locked on each other until the door completely shut.

Nikki wandered into Alyx's room as instructed, it wasn't much bigger than his at the motley apartment. Least she had a proper bed he thought as he threw himself backward onto it, sitting up on his elbows he scanned around the room. Alyx's room was a lot like her both girly and tomboy all at the same time. There were fairy lights everywhere just like in the living room. A lamp on the bedside table covered by a handkerchief which made the light cast a soft pink hue around the room. The closet was tied shut with a belt and looked like it would burst open any second. The rest of the small room was filled with clothes spilling out of the dresser and piles upon piles of books."Hey, what's with all the books?!" Nikki tried to ask over the sound of the tap running.

"WHAAAT!?" Alyx shouted back from behind the bathroom door. The sound of running water stopped and Alyx walked into her room wiping her hands on her jeans. "Sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you."

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