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After you finished school, you saw Dream, George and Sapnap, playing around. "Gogyyy~" Sapnap said to George. "I told you not to call me that," he playfully punched his arm. You start walking to the exit, as you walk past them Dream says, " Ay (y/n), wait up!" He runs towards you, leaving George and Sapnap. He walks next to you, you look up at him and he looks down on you. "Wow you're really short," he says while laughing. "You're just abnormally tall." You say with a smirk. He looks down at you and smiles. "Do you want a ride home?"
he asked while searching for his car keys. "Uh sure, my moms being acting weird so I don't wanna talk to her yet." You told him, pulling your phone out to see texts from your mom, you ignore them putting ur phone back in your pocket. "You should talk to her, find out why she's acting like that," he said pulling the keys out and unlocking his car.
     You shrug, getting in after him, he had a tall car so you had some trouble hopping in. He laughed at all your failed attempts till he got out and helped you in. His car smelled new, but you could tell it was old. He had a lot of fresheners but also a bunch of garbage in the back. "Hey are you doing the project with anyone yet?" you asked, hoping he was still available. "The science one?" You nodded, "No I haven't found anyone yet," he says while looking at the gps to your house. "You wanna be partners? We could work on it right now at my house if you want?"
     He of course said yes and parked his car in front of your house, you both got off and walked to your door. You took your shoes off and he did the same, while you were getting your keys out. Once you opened the door, the smell of cookies got shot on your faces. You entered and signaled him to come in, he had to duck his head a little since he was 6'3.
      Your mom peeked through the door and came rushing over. "Hello Clay! It's nice to finally meet you." She said in a high pitched fake voice. You rolled your eyes and walked upstairs to your room, he followed. "What was that about?" Dream asked as he entered your room and placed his backpack down. "How could you not tell me you knew my mom?" You turned to face him. "I.. well.." He looked down. "You know what, you should go home. I'll get a new partner." You turned around. He sat on your bed, waiting for you to stop being a brat. "I only know her because she wanted me and you to be friends. She found my moms number from the school and they hit it off." He replied. "Are you done ?" He said looking at you. "Yeah yeah, let me just change out of these clothes." "Close your eyes." You said while taking Sapnaps hoodie off. He turned bright pink and turned away quickly. You laughed and changed into sweats and a big t-shirt, and put your hair up in a bun. You walked over to your dresser and put your glasses on. "I'm done, let's get started." He turned back around and smiled, he grabbed his backpack and you began working in the project.

      You guys finish up the project, it had turned barely turned 1 AM when you guys finished. You took your glasses off and took a big yawn. "I should get going," he said yawning. Suddenly your mom burst in and said, "It's already 1 dear, you should just sleepover here." She handed him pillows and blankets. She left the room and Dream set up on the ground. You turned off your lamp and went to sleep. You woke up around 3 AM because it was freezing. You realized it had snowed, you got out of bed to check if there was any more blankets but Dream was in the way. You sighed and just got on the floor, going somewhat close to him but not close enough to touch. You guys woke up to the sound of the doorbell. You both opened your eyes to see eachother cuddling facing eachother. You both shot up off the ground. "I-I'm so sorry, it was just freezing  last night and I couldn't get any blankets because you were in the way and I-" He cut you off, "It's fine, don't even worry about it." His voice was raspy and deep. You took turns changing,(his mom brought him clothes that morning) and brushed your teeth. You saw his mom had brought an extra hoodie for him, it was black and really soft in the inside. "You can wear it if you want, I'm wearing the other one." You looked at him and put it on.

       Both of you head downstairs to see George and Sapnap sitting on your couch. "What happened last night you guys?" George asked in a weird voice, hinting you guys made out or something. "Nothing, we did a project, it was late so I slept over on the GROUND." He emphasized that word to make sure they got the memo nothing happened.

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