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The view from their hotel room was equally stunning at night, the moon's reflection on the water in the short distance was beautiful. The walk back from the restaurant had been chaotic, to say the least, all of six of them slightly past the point of tipsy with a sober and very unamused Charlotte acting like she was a shepherd taking care of a small but crazy herd. Now in the safety of the hotel room y/n took a few seconds to look out the window before getting into bed with Harrison who was already plopped down with an arm shielding his eyes even though the lights were already off.

Y/n crawled into bed, settling down on the empty side at a prudent distance from a shirtless Harrison. Her eyes fluttered shut for an instant; inhaling deeply she turned into her side facing the boy resting next to her. "H?" She whispered, blinking up at him while she waited for an answer if he happened to be awake. The blonde removed his arm from his face, lifting his head to search for her by the window, "I'm over here, drunk." Y/n giggled, watching his head fall back on the pillow then turn to face her.

"Hey," He smiled drowsily at her, shifting to be on his side. His arm went under his pillow and she felt his hand resting on her own pillow right above her head. "Can't sleep?" He mumbled, blinking lazily.

"Haven't tried yet..." She said sincerely, "Thank you for bringing me here with you, I'm having a good time." The girl wasn't sure why she was saying that but it felt right at that moment. Besides, being grateful wasn't a bad thing.

"I'm glad you came along, I love spending time with you." Harrison retorted, his fingers gently scratching the top of y/n's head.

"I love spending time with you too." Y/n murmured, the gentle movements of his fingers over her scalp had her eyes feeling too heavy to keep open all of a sudden. Her eyes fluttered shut after not much fight, a faint smile painted across her face.

The next morning she was the first one to wake up, the drawn curtains allowing the sun to come in and warm up her face which scrunched up when she tried to open her eyes, being instantly blinded by sunshine so she rolled into her side facing a sleeping Harrison. A drowsy smile tugged at her lips at the sight: messy curls pointing every which way, lips pouting slightly. He had one of his hands on his stomach and the other one was stretched out to her side of the bed.

Her own hand reached for the back of his hand, delicate fingers tracing small circles over his knuckles then following his raised veins. The gentle touch taking her back to the feeling of his fingers intertwined with hers and his lips against her forehead, drifting off to his hands running over her back. The memory caused her to close her eyes, a huge sleepy smile spread across her face, the giddy feeling in her stomach caused her to shyly bury her face in the pillow to hide the warmth that crept on her cheeks. There was a soft knock on the door that made the girl lift her head again letting out a sigh as she got up, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles before she opened the door. "Morning." The boy's sister said quietly, "I'm hungry, can we go get breakfast?" Charlotte half-whined.

"Yeah, let me just get Harrison up and get ready. Wanna come in?" Y/n offered with a sleepy grog still lingering in her voice. Stepping to the side and fully opening the door when Charlotte nodded, "I was gonna say you look really fresh after last night but you don't drink." The older girl chuckled, eliciting a laugh from the younger. Y/n stepped closer to the bed on Harrison's side and sat on the edge looking down at him. Steady breaths making his chest rise and fall, she placed her hand on top of it and caressed it gently with her fingers. "H?" She called quietly, not doing much of what she intended to do which was waking him up. Her hand subconsciously travelled up to his messy curls, brushing them up and away from his forehead. She watched his face scrunch up and smiled at his sleepy state. "Hey, Charlie is here, she wants to get breakfast." He moved his hand from his chest and dropped it on her lap, she looked down at it and bit her lip, swallowing when he curled his fingers around her thigh ever so gently. The blonde mumbled before his eyes squeezed then fluttered open slowly shortly after.

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