♡︎Chapter Two♡︎

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I woke up to the flight attendant saying we were close to Seoul. I got everything together and ready to get off the plane.

This is where everything gets hard for me. I am going to have to talk to someone that probably doesn't know my language and I don't know theirs. I have to think of something to say quickly so I don't get awkward.

I walked over to the main desk and the lady smiled at me.

"Um excuse me"


"Can you please help me find when bus #246 comes through?" I could tell she was trying her hardest to understand. I really wish I knew Korean.

"Bus #246?"


She typed something on her computer.

"It will come around 20 minutes"

"Okay thank you so much" I smiled at her and started walking over to baggage claim. I was trying to find my phone in my bag when i wasn't watching where I was going and ran into someone.

I looked over and it was an older lady.

"Oh my gosh ma'am I am so sorry"

I got up quickly and helped her up. She said something in korean to me but I couldn't understand her.

"I'm sorry I can't understand you"

"She said that it was okay and if you were okay"

I turned and looked at where that voice came from. It was a boy that looked around my age. He wasn't really tall but he was still taller than me.

"Oh, thank you. Could you tell her that I am fine and thank you?"

He told her, she nodded and smiled at me. As she walked away I let out a breath of air. I have only been here 5 Minutes and I am already causing a mess.

"So where are you from?"

"I just got here from the states. So as you can tell I know nothing about South Korea."

"Ah. I can show you around if you need. Oh sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Felix." He held out his hand for me to shake it

I shook his hand "I'm y/n"

"And it's okay, you are probably really busy or have other things you have to do."

"I am actually off on my vacation right now so i have nothing to do. And I can't just let you go run into more old ladies"

"Listen I didn't mean to I was looking for my phone" he laughed. "And if you don't mind I actually might need it"

"No I don't mind at all. Where do you need to go?"

I pulled out the paper with the building name on it. As he was reading it, his expression turned confused.

"What's wrong? Is something wrote wrong? I tried my best to write it but I guess I didn't do that well"

"No nothings wrong. This building is actually right next to mine"

"Oh really? Well then that's good you know where it is. Okay I need to get my bags from baggage claim and then we can head that way."

After we got my bags from baggage claim started towards the bus stop. We had around 5 Minutes until the next bus arrived.

"So where are you originally from?"

"I am from Australia. I moved here around 2-3 years ago"

"Oh really? That's cool. Australia sounds way nicer than the states" we laughed

We talked for a few more minutes until the bus arrived. He said the bus ride would be around 10 minutes. We just talked the way up there. We finally made it to the building and it was pretty big.

"Since it is a long way up there I am gonna call some of my friends to come and help if that is okay?" I nodded and he pulled out his phone to call his friends

Not long after he put his phone away, two other boys came out of the other building. They looked around the same height as his also.

"y/n, this is chan and this is Jisung." They both waved at me and I waved back.

"So you needed help with your things" I nodded and Chan picked up one of my bags. "Which floor and apartment number?" I pulled out the paper again. "The fifth floor and apartment 22" He nodded and headed up the stairs. We all grabbed the rest of the bags and headed up after him.

Once we all got up there I pulled out my key and opened the door. There was a nice empty house smell. The apartment was actually pretty big for just one person.

"Where should we set these?" Felix asked looking around.

"Just set them down in the living room for right now."

"What about your bed and other things?" Jisung questioned while setting the bags down.

" The movers said they would be here around 12 pm tomorrow"

"Tomorrow!?" Chan said surprised. "So you have nothing to sleep on tonight?"

"Well no but it's fine, I will find something out" I smiled at him. Kind of hoping he didn't offer to stay at their place

"Why don't you stay with us tonight" he added


"oh no it's fine. I don't want to intrude-"

"You won't be intruding. We are asking you if you wanted to stay so it's fine" Felix said from the other room

"What are you even doing in the bathroom?" Chan asked

"Making sure this mirror isn't a two way mirror. She cant have people spying on her"

Chan shook his head

"Just come on man it's fine. Let's get your bag and we will go" Jisung grabbed one of my bags and headed out the door

"Well i guess I have to go now don't I?"

"We want you to it will be fun" Chan smiled at me. "Come on let's go and meet our other friends. FELIX!"

He ran out of the bathroom and right out the front door. Maybe it will be fun in Seoul.

♥︎I hope you liked it😌 Oh and happy Chan day🥳🥳🥳♥︎

♥︎I hope you liked it😌 Oh and happy Chan day🥳🥳🥳♥︎

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