"Ast! Can you see our muscles?" Sirius stood up and flexed his non-existent muscles.

"Yeah," she lied, not paying him any attention.

Sirius and James high-fived each other then went back to their push-ups. Remus and Peter were still out cold. James and Sirius were too busy to notice Ast walk over and give a peck on Remus's cheek.

Remus stirred and opened his eyes. He smiled when he saw Ast in front of him.

"Mornin' my fair maiden," he greeted in a sleepy voice that made her stomach twirl.

"Can I have some chocolate?" Ast asked.

He raised an eyebrow, "Help yourself."

"Thanks, Moony."

Ast rummaged through his trunk and found a photograph of James, Sirius, Peter, and Ast. They were all laughing. She remembered that day. Remus got a disposable camera for Christmas and was taking pictures throughout the entire holidays. That picture was taken the day Peter came back from winter break.

Ast smiled at the picture then placed it back in his trunk. She eventually found Remus's chocolate stash and took two bars out. One for her and one for the red-headed brat she had to call Lily.

By now Sirius and James were play-wrestling. But when James noticed Lily walking out of the girls dormitory, he called out "Evans, hey Evans," and ran after her. So much for Lily avoiding him.

The Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch match was that day. Sirius had been getting James ready by doing workouts every morning. It was a shame Ast didn't get on the team, she hadn't played Quidditch in ages.

The past week had been hectic, Slytherins and Gryffindors had been hexing their opposing team members in the corridors in between lessons. They'd even been hexing the players' friends, including Ast. Which she could say was quite absurd.


"C'mon Ast, we're gonna be late!" Lily whined for what seemed like the millionth time.

Ast laced up her shoes and wrapped her scarf around her neck.

"No we won't," Ast stated, tying her hair into a bun.

Sirius and Peter decided to go to the pitch early with James to calm his nerves. They left Remus behind with Lily, Marlene, Dorcas and Ast. That was completely fine by her though.

"Lily, the match doesn't start until ten. Why do you want to get there so early?" Marlene asked.

"No reason," Lily replied.

"Are you sure you don't want to see a certain Potter?" Ast asked, baring a knowing look.

"No, I just want to get good seats! Now let's go,"

Ast giggled as Lily started pushing her towards the door and Marlene and Dorcas followed. They opened the door and headed down the steps to the common room. A few people were there but the majority were making their way to the Quidditch pitch.

"See I told you we'd be late," Lily said.

"Oh will you shut it," Marlene snapped.

Remus was waiting for them by the common room entrance. He smiled when he saw Ast descend, looking all cozy in his jumper. Lily, Dorcas and Marlene walked in front of them while Remus and Ast took the rear.

"Nice jumper," he whispered, as they walked to the Entrance Hall.

"Thanks Moony, I got it from a certain Moony," Ast replied.

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