2. Finding

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After school

Shougo still thinking about the flashback that he have earlier. His mind goes everywhere which make him didn't realize where he was going. As he arrived, he was at the pond near the dorm which surprised him and ruffle his hair

"Wait... why am I here, ukh... I should stop thinking about-"


Shougo open his eyes and look around to find who call him but he can't find anyone. He look at the pond and suddenly a flashback comes to his mind


"Ahhh I don't know why, today's scenery is really beautiful unlike other days" said a girl
"Is it because we're together?" said Shougo proudly
"Hmmmmm.... I don't know" said the girl with a mocking voice
"Mattaku, not very honest huh"

Back to reality

Shougo hold his head when the flashback hit him. Suddenly he see something shiny inside the pond, he took it which to be

Ribbon shaped pendant with a pink jewel in the middle

"This pendant..."

As he took it from his hand, suddenly the bracelet on Shougo's arm connect to the pendant

"Hmmm this pendant and bracelet... have a magnet inside" thought Shougo

Suddenly another flashback comes to his mind


"Shougo give me your hand" said a girl

The girl give Shougo a bracelet and put it on his hand for him.

"This is..?"
"You give me this pendant right, it's my turn to give you something. Also I modify it"

The girl then let out her pendant that look just like what Shougo found and put it near Shougo's bracelet and it got attached together

"I put little magnet but I ask Meganee-san that it will not attached to anywhere except to each other. It's a sign of us will be always connected together"

"Um wakatta, I will treasure it"

Back to reality

"Ukh that hurts... hmm... then my bracelet is from Pripara? I should look into this" thought Shougo while looking at his bracelet and the pendant seriously

"No.. please... don't search about it..."

At PriXPri

WITH is at their waiting room while looking at Dressing Pafe perform. Shougo on the other hand just look at the bracelet that he wears

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