3. Half Spirit

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One year ago

At the graveyard

It's already been a month since Laala's death and everyone already bid their goodbyes to Laala which is why there are no one left frequently visit her grave. At that moment, Laala open her eyes which she notice that she has become a spirit and got surprised by her new form. She only wear a white dress with a white ribbon on her hair and white flat shoes. She look around that the place was already empty and the cloudy sky complement the sad situation she's currently in

"Right, I died... There's nothing I should do here" said Laala in low voice

Suddenly a mysterious man with a black cloak appear in front of her and of course, it scares Laala immediately as she bend down

"Manaka Laala-san right?" asked the man
"Y-yes..." said Laala while trembling

The man let out a sigh as he bend down to her and then take off his cloak hoodie and show to be a man in his 20s with brown hair

"You can call me Shinigami. My task was actually to help you depart from this world but it seems... You just made it impossible" said Shinigami unhappy
"Eh? What do you mean?" asked Laala confused
"You are under a curse with living person and because of that you can't depart. You have to stay like this until your curse is broken"

Shinigami stand up and put on his cloak hoodie and then look at a certain place

"For more details, you need to follow me" said Shinigami serious

Time Skip~

Both of them are now surprisingly at Parajuku Pripara and more surprising is that Meganii and Meganee can see them which made Laala so confused with her situation that she's currently in. As she comes into one room in Pripara TV building, they see Jewlie, Janice and Falala present

"Mama!" shout Jewlie happily as she hug her
"Jululu..." said Laala with a soft smile
"How is this possible..." said Janice surprised

Meganii comes in and see that everyone has arrived but Laala look around for Galala which noticed by Falala

"She has something to do first so she will be late" said Falala smile to her

They quickly sit on the sofa that was there in the room and Shinigami took off his cloak hoodie

"Now let's begin... I need to know further details on this curse that was laid on Manaka Laala" said Shinigami serious
"Yes... We actually are here to look into it more as well. Laala-san, it seems both of us have a good idea on what happen to your current situation" said Janice
"Mama, do you happen to make a wish when that legendary coord light goes to you?" asked Jewlie

Legendary coord

After hearing the news of Laala's illness, Jewlie and Janice recommends them to go for the legendary coord that can grant any wish but in exchange, they will lose their voice and idol powers. Shougo and Asahi was about to go for it but it was stopped by Laala as the coord suddenly goes to her which take her last kami idol powers that was sealed on her keychain that was given by Janice when she officially retired from being an idol.

Laala just look serious as she tried to remember that day but it was no clue at all while Shinigami who just show a very straight look just sigh as he let out a paper

"Manaka Laala, you are now bound with a boy called Yumekawa Shougo. It seems in exchange for you to stay like this, your friends will not remember you" said Shinigami
"Eh?!" said all of them in the room surprised
"The list of people that remember you are all people in here while the rest don't know that you are ever existed"

Laala Idol Love Story 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant