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Aqua was laying in his bed, and yawned. He opened his eyes, took off his covers and sat up. He walked out of his room and into the kitchen. He got out apple blood, and monster eggs. He made 2 plates, and put some eggs on each. He opened the door to the basement, and Edric was there, quiet and asleep. Aqua smiled, and sat down next to the sleeping bag. He poked at it, and it took Edric a while to fully open his eyes. He rubbed them, and sat up. "Hey..Aqua." he said in a tired tone. "good morning, I made some food." Aqua told him. "cool, cool, I'll be out." Edric said, more awake than last time. Aqua walked out of the room, and Edric unzipped his sleeping bag. He quickly followed after Aqua, and saw the food on the table. He sat down, and began to eat along with Aqua. "Mhm, this is good. It's different, but good." Edric complimented. "Thanks, I don't cook much, I'm usually working on my experiments, so I kind of thought these would turn out bad myself." Aqua said. "Where are your parents?" Edric asked. "At their job." Aqua replied. "Oh. Same with my parents, but they usually get paid for reading books in the manor." "Oh, well, when you're done, I wanna show you something." Aqua added. "Mmm, okay." Edric said as he was chewing on his egg and gulping down his apple blood. Aqua went into the basement, and was waiting for Edric. Edric came running in a few seconds later. "I'm here! I'm here!" Edric said. Aqua smiled, and turned around towards a beaker. He pulled it, and a shelf moved to another side, leading into a secret room. "Ooh! Secret hideout!" Edric said. "More than that, after you." Aqua said as he made movements with his hands to come in. It wasn't just a hideout, it was a massive lab with three big tubes on one wall, and a shelf with 100s of beakers, and even a machine with a bunch of abomination body pillows being made. "So you're...selling those?" Edric asked. "Maybe." Aqua said. He saw the big table with chairs on the sides, papers, crystal balls, notebooks, pencils, beakers, and some abomination goop dripping from the table. "Yeah...I'm not very organized." Aqua said. "I like it! I wish my parents would allow me to have a messy room." Edric said. "That's strange...I really want to get my lab organized, yet I have so much work on my hands, plus school. DANG IT! SCHOOL! Edric, we gotta go!" Aqua remembered. "Actually, I'll stay here. My sister, Emira, created a clone that sort of acts like me, she'll be monitoring it." Edric said. "Ah, okay. Gotta go, bye!" Aqua said. Aqua ran out the basement, threw off his shirt and pants, and put on his uniform, and glasses, took his bag, and ran out. "Hm, so what now?" Edric asked himself out loud.


Aqua was walking into class, and sat at his desk. "Hey, blue boy, where's Edric? Did you do something to him?" Vora asked. Aqua ignored vora. He took a small beaker from his pocket and opened it. It flew at Vora and hit her in the face. "Ow! Teacher, Teacher, The blue boy used abomination magic on me!" Vora tattled. "Aqua, go to the principal's office!" The teacher said. Vora walked back to her desk, with a smug face whilst looking at Aqua. Right when Aqua was going to walk out of the door, she saw Edric and Emira. "Stay in class, don't get into trouble." Emira said. Emira walked away, and Aqua looked at Edric. "What are you doing here?" Aqua whispered. "I'm a clone of Edric created by Emira. Who are you?" Edric C. asked. "I'm Edric's friend, uh, this is kinda awkward, I'm gonna go." Aqua said. Edric C. looked back in confusion. Aqua wasn't going to go to principal bump's office though, he was going home. Before Aqua was going to go home, he was going to Mr. Elixir, a stand with some of the rarest of potions. It was close to his house, since it's close to the middle of Bonesborough. The stand was open, and Aqua saw Morton running it, as always. "Oh, hey Aqua, you already ran out of beast blood potion?" Morton asked. "No, It was successful this time, I'm thinking of making a bear...or a symbiote that enhances strength." Aqua said. "Like steroids?" Morton asked. "Hell no! for like..injuries." Aqua replied. "But you're not in the healing track." Morton replied. "I know, but it's gonna be a secret, and I trust you to keep it. "So what do you have that could possibly enhance injuries?" Aqua asked. "I got a healing potion, I advise you not to mix it with abominations though." Morton replied. "Maybe I won't, maybe I will." Aqua replied. "That'll be 27 coppers." Morton replied. "Here." Aqua said as he put the currency on the table. "Thanks again, Aqua. It's you and the owl lady who really keep me in business." Morton said. Aqua walked away from the stand.

Aqua's House

Edric was reading over Aqua's papers, and organizing everything. Maybe I'll impress Aqua if I do this. Edric thought. He got teeth folders from a storage box, and filed all of the papers into them. The folder roared and ripped the bottom of one of the papers though, leaving teeth marks. "Maybe I should just...put that under that table." Edric said. The beakers were well organized, and he didn't want to mess up Aqua's way of science, so he kept the way they were. He walked out of the lab, and pushed the beaker back into the hole. The shelf was now covering the lab's entrance again. He was back in the basement, and picked up his bag. He got out his Scroll, and texted Aqua. Is it ok if I have more apple blood? Edric texted. Sure. I'm close by home soon anyway. Aqua texted back. Why so early? Edric asked. I got distracted, And got sent home. Aqua lied, because he knew that Edric had feelings for Vora. K, see u soon. Edric replied. 


Aqua knocked at the door, and Edric opened it. "Hey, Edric. Can you put this elixir into my lab?" Aqua asked. "Sure." Edric replied. He went into the basement, pulled the beaker, and the shelf moved to the side. Edric walked into the hideout, and put the elixir onto the table. Aqua followed behind, and Edric turned to him. "I-I have a question." Edric stated. "About the experiment? Well, I'm working on-" Aqua tried to speak, but got cut off by Edric. "Will you, go to grom with me?" Edric asked. Aqua stood still, widened his eyes, and blushed all over his face. It became a different shade of blue, and formed one word: "Yes. He said. "Really?" Edric had to make sure. "Yes." Aqua replied. "Well..I'm going to go back to the manor and get ready!" Edric said. He ran out of the room, and grabbed his bag. "Bye!" Edric said. "See ya." Aqua replied. I can't believe it...surely he's asking me because we're friends, right? Aqua thought to himself. 

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