Chapter Twenty Seven: Eighth Year, March

Start from the beginning

'Pansy, you don't have to-.'

'No, I do need to. We were awful to you, and all of the other Muggle-borns, I'm sorry that it took a war for me to realise that it wasn't the right attitude to have.'

'Thank you, I forgive you.' Hermione said as she took Pansy's hand and pulled her up from the grass. 'But if you hurt Ron I'll-.'

'Yeah, yeah I know. You'll curse me.' Pansy smirked.

They walked back into the castle arm in arm, and split up when they got to the stairs so that Pansy could go up to Divination and Hermione could hurry to Arithmancy to meet Draco.

Four days later, when they could see Platform 9 3/4 from the train, Hermione once again had to give Pansy a pep talk in the corridor. This one wasn't as emotional, but consisted of a few stern words from Hermione about Pansy pulling herself together.

'We talked about this, you're being stupid.' Hermione whispered.

'I know, but just tell me again that his family won't hate me.' Pansy whined.

'They won't hate you. Ginny likes you. Ron likes you enough to drag you into the men's room and write to you once a week, which is more than he's ever written to anyone. They won't hate you.' Hermione said and Pansy nodded along to her words.

'Okay, I can do this.' Pansy said as she took a deep breath.

'Are you done trying to calm Parkinson down?' Draco grumbled behind the two girls as the train came to a stop.

'Shut up, Draco.' Pansy snapped.

'Pansy, are you ready?' Ginny called from the compartment. 'I've already spotted the boys waiting for us.'

'Ready.' Pansy said, quickly hugging Hermione and moving to get her luggage.

'Were you like that with Ginny at Christmas?' Draco asked, pulling Hermione into his chest, his brow furrowed.

'No. But I was freaking out on the inside.' Hermione confessed.

'You didn't say anything to me.'

'I didn't want to, you assured me it would be fine and I trusted you.' Hermione replied, kissing his nose in the hopes that no one was around to see.

'Next time, if you're acting anything like Pansy, tell me.' Draco said sternly, before kissing her lips.

'I will. Now let's get our things so we don't keep your mum waiting.' Hermione smiled.

It took them a while to get back to Andromeda's after Narcissa let slip that they didn't need to get to a Portkey as she would Apparate them. Pansy and Blaise wanted to say hello to Narcissa and Hermione spent five minutes chatting to Harry and Ron. Hermione also took Ron to the side and asked him about Pansy, making sure there really was nothing to worry about.

'Have you told your family much about Pansy's past?' Hermione asked.

'Not really, I've only told them a little bit.' Ron said. 'I wanted them to get to know her and not judge her.'

'Good. Don't tell her I told you this, but she's nervous about meeting everyone.'

'She is? Do you think she's really okay coming?'

'She wants to, but just nervous. It will be fine as long as you reassure her that it's okay and make her feel comfortable.'

'Thanks, Mione.' Ron said and hugged her goodbye.

'Are you both ready?' Narcissa asked with a smile as Hermione rejoined her and Draco.

'Yes, let's go.' Draco replied, taking Hermione's hand.

When they arrived outside Andromeda's house they were surprised to see Teddy running towards them, already sporting Hermione's hair and Draco's eyes. Draco barely had time to bend down before Teddy was jumping into his arms.

'Day-co, Day-co!' Teddy cried as he hugged Draco.

'When did you learn to walk and talk?' Draco asked, hugging the small boy back.

'He only knows three words.' Andromeda said as she came out the house and gave Hermione a hug. 'Draco, mumma and mine.'

'Mine?' Teddy said to Draco and then spotted Hermione. 'Mine!'

Hermione beamed and held out her arms so that Teddy could hug her too.

'And we've been running around after him for a few weeks now.' Narcissa said as they went into the house.

'His hair doesn't change colour when he sneezes anymore.' Andromeda said as she began making tea for everyone. 'It's stayed like that since you left.'

Draco smiled down at Teddy, who was still wrapped around Hermione in a hug, and ruffled the mess of curls on his head.

'I think he missed us as much as we missed him.' Hermione said, smiling up at Draco.

'Mine.' Teddy said again to Hermione, before motioning that he wanted to get down. She stood him on the floor and watched him run around the kitchen while everyone sat around the table with a cup of tea.

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