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Chapter 527: Sincerity

Zhao Youyue had never thought that none of her roommates would back down from a small dispute on their very first day…

Luckily she had been assigned to a four-person dormitory. If it was a six-person dormitory, wouldn’t the situation have been more complicated?

Zhao Youyue could only smooth things over now. She used her excellent communication skills to ease the awkward atmosphere in the dormitory.

Zhou Cai, who was a chubby girl and the most average in appearance among the four of them was a gamer. After settling down, she took out her gaming laptop in a hurry and started gaming on her own.

Unexpectedly, it was ‘Tale of Wuxia 3: Swords of the Future’. She played using a keyboard and a mouse, which was harder than using a controller on a game console. However, it became evident that she was having no troubles whatsoever. Add on the fact that she was actually playing as a swordsman – a class that required great skill, you could deduce that she was an expert. She was nothing like what average female gamers were known for – their butterfingers.

Few girls could play such a difficult indie game. Zhou Chai was one of them. Apparently, she was not so average, after all.

Yu Xuefei gave up using the ‘collection of essays’ book as a buffer for her image. She sauntered up her bed and took out her brand new iPhone X, while secretly observing her roommates’ reactions, hoping to see some envious looks on their faces…

Yu Xuefei was bound to be disappointed. Zhou Cai was completely indulged in gaming, He Weiwei was chatting silently with Zhao Youyue. Everyone did not even spare her a second glance. This left her dejected. She was not getting the attention she wanted. Her mind fled back to the past when she was the star of her county key high school. [1]

She had been the queen bee, the teacher’s pet, the centerpiece. Her results brought honor to her school. She did not expect that her roommates to actually view her poorly on just the first day of entering university. Only Zhao Youyue was treating her somewhat positively.

Yu Xuefei decided to get closer to Zhao Youyue as she did not want to be alone in the dorm. She did not feel too good about the other two roommates. It would be better for her to distance herself from the fashionable golden-haired, wealthy-looking girl. If she let her guard down, that woman would turn her into her ‘golden leaf’ [2] …

As Yu Xuefei was lost in thought, He Weiwei was already moving just as expected. Zhao Youyue struck her as a simple errand girl. She made her move on her, “Zhao Youyue, I think you are just too gentle a girl for your own good. This is not right. Girls must know how to protect themselves. When facing unreasonable requests from other people, you must learn to reject them.”

Zhao Youyue’s disguise had been a massive success. In reality, she was nothing close to gentle. However, if she could label herself as “gentle and kind,” then no matter what she did, she would be standing on a moral high ground. Anyone who wanted to go against her would be the bad person.

“I only did such a trivial thing. It was nothing like what you exaggerated.” Zhao Youyue said that kindly. She had given other people a feeling that she would never live with herself – if she ever stepped on another’s shoes.

Anger and her seemed to be an impossible mix.

He Weiwei sighed helplessly and patted the other girl’s shoulder in a big-sister manner, “A girl like you would really cause others to worry about you. People would really take advantage of you. Who knows, some boy might actually count on your inability to refuse others. He might organize some grand event and invite a group of people to clamor around you as he confesses his love for you, and you would have no choice but to accept. Boys in the university are nothing like those brats in high school. Anyway, I’ve got your back. Come look for me if you’re in trouble.”

Shift! The Side-Character Heroine (451-773)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum