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 This Is Only Apart Of  My Story.....Hope You Enjoy It(:


Sometimes life slips apart under someone else's will, not yours. Everything in life happens for a reason, but is it really true? Does your life go by fate? How you die, who you love? But honestly I don't see a point in that superstition. Because maybe if god really did love me, he wouldn't have put me through this. Hell. That's where I stand, in hell. Moments like this make you wonder, why am I here? What have I become, what am I becoming? Questions only myself can answer, the answer will be discovered, that I am sure of.

As I saw Delilah's heart spilling, my thoughts were blank, pure of hatred, dread, and a shock of all the horror. I felt crazed, a lunatic. Those murderers had retreated, and I stumble over my sisters dead body, pleading that god will give her back. Soon her cold body was gone from my fingers.....

Her spirit whispering, Raven.

Chapter 1

It all started with suicide. The bustling city of Lambrith bided my attention below, the streets crowded with the ongoing traffic of its daily workers. I wasn't scared, I hadn't been scared for the last year, I felt far to lost for that. Seeing my sister murdered in front of me had dramatized my whole family, leaving them stunned and their souls seemed lifted from their bodies. I remember seeing my sister, Delilah, her auburn hair whipping around in the wind as we ran down the cobble stoned streets home.

"We should go home a different way," I whisper in a hushed voice. "There are tons of creeps out here."

"Oh relax," Delilah replied smirking. "What's the fun in that." Delilah is my younger sister who I like to call the 'to cool for school' girl. She's 'always' right I guess. She such a girly girl though, always caring about how she dressed, what she wore.

A deafening ring seemed to crash the dark night sky, with a blinding light. "Delilah!" I scream as I duck, my heart beating a hundred miles per hour.


That was the moment in which I saw Delilah bleeding, shot. I never had time to help her, I suppose all of this is my fault. I know it is. I suspect my family thinks I'm the blame for my sister's murder, their eagle eyes mocking my every move, my every breath, like I should be the dead one. I remember all those nights I would cry and beg for my death to repay my sister's.

No one in school would care if I died anyway. I'm usually the one sitting alone in our circus of a cafeteria, reading a novel in which all the characters die in. There seems to obviously be no bother in living. All of my happy memory's have been slashed. Torn into shards of pieces, still scraping my heart every second I breath, I function.

I feel dead. I feel like I'm a soulless spirit, walking the Earth in grief for all eternity.

Tears leaked down my face now, I was to sad and frustrated to think. My body was mentally bleeding, and there was no way to stop it. I could hear Delilah's voice in my ears, Why did you let them kill me Raven? Why did you just stand there as my life flashed before my eyes?

I detest the fact that she haunts me, is after me, reminding me of what happened through my dreams and into my mind. I see her standing next to me sometimes, her hands holding where she was shot, tears leaking down her face-yelling my name. I shivered, my heart couldn't bear the heavy burden anymore.

I looked down at the city people once again, the skyscraper seeming to burn my feet telling me to jump. I began to step off the end-my heart my soul, everything blank. I closed my eyes........

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