Together Forever

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Author's Pov•

They pulled away from the hug and smiled at each other. " You know , when I first came here I wanted to kill you. " Dream admitted. " I- Wow , I am offended. " Techno said dramaticly and continued " To be honest , I wanted to kill you at first as well. You are so cocky and bossy that I sometimes want to kill you- But now I can't because I love you. ". Dream rolled his eyes with a smile " First of all , I am not cocky or bossy. And second of all , you are the one who is bossy! " Dream said. " Oh really? " Techno asked as he crossed his arms. " Yes. " Dream answered. " I may be bossy but you are bossy and also cocky , DrEaM! " Techno said. " No I am not! " Dream replied. " Alright alright. I can't be bothered to fight with you. " Techno said causing Dream to scoff. " Let's go back. " Dream said , earning a nod from Techno and they started walking.

" One last thing. " Techno said as he stopped , causing Dream to stop and turn around to look at him. " Yes? " Dream asked. Techno walked a bit closer to Dream and hugged him because he thought he made Dream mad. " Don't be angry at me. I was just messing with you. " Techno said. Dream hugged back , " I am not angry at you. It is not like I can ever be. " Dream replied. Techno smiled and pulled away. " Also. I am not cocky or bossy. " Dream said. Techno scoffed then they both started laughing while walking back to the kingdom.

They walked into the kingdom , immadiately getting greeted by the cheerful town. They both waved at them and then walked into Dream's palace , getting greeted by the guards who immadiately bowed down.

They went upstairs to the living room where Sapnap , George and Bad were also there. They walked into the living room and saw their friends joking around.

Sapnap noticed them first , " Oh hey! " he greeted. " Hey guys! " Dream greeted back while Techno greeted Sapnap back with a smile. Dream and Sapnap shared a hug together since they were the closest ones in the friend group. " How are you guys doing? " Dream asked. " We were playing silent cinema. Do you two want to join? " George said. " Sounds fun , sure. " Techno replied after Dream nodded to George.

They all sat somewhere. " Whose turn is it? " Techno asked. " I think it was Bad's turn. " George answered. Bad got up and started thinking of an animal inspiration. He decided to act like a chicken , " It is an animal. " Bad said then started acting like a chicken.

" Uhh- CHICKEN! " Dream said. " Yes! " Bad replied. Dream got up and started thinking of a person. Dream decided to act like Techno. " It is a person. " Dream said and grabbed his sword. He started swinging it around then stopped. He spinned around , trying to make it look like he was wearing a cape.

" Me. " Techno said with a disappointed tone. Dream started wheezing , " Yes!! " he replied. Techno got up as Dream sat down. Techno decided to act like a snake. " It is a reptile. " he said then started moving like a snake causing his friends to start laughing really hard , but , the only beautiful laugh he could focus on was Dream's wheeze. Dream's laugh was funny but he found it beautiful. That caused him to smile.

" Snake! " George said after calming down. Surely the other knew it was a snake too but they were too busy laughing. Techno got off the ground and sat down with a smile playing on his lips. George got up and started thinking about what to act like. " It is a supernatural thing. " George said. He then started acting like a devil. He sticked his fingers out through his hair , trying to make them look like horns.

" A dev- " Sapnap was about to answer but someone knocked on the door. " Guys sit down , it might be important. We gotta look serious. " Techno said. Then the ones who were standing sat down.

" Come in. " Techno said then his old right hand man walked inside. Techno's eyes widened , he didn't expect Nathan to be here. " It has been a long time since we saw each other. Right? Techno. " Nathan talked first. The others were shocked as well except for Dream who was confused instead. " Yes , it has and I don't want to see you again so just shoo. " Techno said. Nathan chuckled quietlu then he walked a bit closer but he stopped when he spotted an unfamiliar person. " And who is that? " Nathan asked while pointing at Dream. " It is none of your business Nathan. Just get out of here. " Techno said. " I suppose he is your new right hand man. " Nathan ignored what Techno said. His expression was making obvious that he was triggered. " How could you kick me out? I was the most trustworthy person you have ever known! " Nathan yelled. " Nathan. This is an order , get out. " Techno said. " Nathan just fuck off. We don't want you here. " Sapnap decided to talk. Nathan laughed a bit then his face expression turned into something more serious as he looked at Dream once again.

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