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❧ First chapter is here hehe. ❧


"Choi Yeonjun, can I please see you after class?" Mrs. Shin tapped on Yeonjun's desk seconds before the bell rang. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and stood up.

"What?" He glared at the shorter woman in-front of him. Mrs. Shin pointed at Yeonjun's test paper on his desk.

"You've gotten F's since I met you, Choi Yeonjun, not even a single D! All F's. What do you have to say for yourself young man." Mrs. Shin picked up his test paper that had a giant red F mark on the top of the sheet.

"That I don't give a fuck. School is boring." Yeonjun shrugged. Mrs. Shin sighed.

"Look Yeonjun, next week we have a math test. If you get above a D, I won't fail you for this marking period." She said as she walked to her desk and grabbed a packet.

Yeonjun shrugged and took the packet.

"I want you to complete all these problems on here and give it to me on the day of the test. If you succeed to also complete this I will give you ten extra credit points." Mrs. Shin explained.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"Can I go now? I've been standing here for too long and I have basketball practice soon." Yeonjun picked up his backpack and shoved the packet into it. Mrs. Shin nodded and opened the door for Yeonjun who walked out without saying a word.

'Stupid grades, stupid school, stupid packet. What the fuck, it's like twenty pages of math. I don't got the time for this.' Yeonjun angrily walked to the boy's locker rooms and threw his bag into his gym locker.

"Someone's pissed." Taehyun stood next to Yeonjun as he threw on his basketball jersey and touched up his hair. Yeonjun nodded.

"That annoying Mrs. Shin gave me a whole twenty paged math packet to finish by next week for ten extra credit points on a test that I have." Yeonjun said while he took out his shorts. Taehyun frowned.

"What the fuck, does she not know that you have practice, and that you're like the most popular kid in school. We got parties to go to." Taehyun said. Yeonjun nodded in agreement and put on his deodorant.

"Come on, let's go. Imma throw away that stupid packet anyways." Yeonjun groaned and slammed his locker shut. Taehyun followed behind him texting a girl on his phone.

Suddenly someone bumped into Yeonjun.

"Ow! What the fuck! Watch where you're going you freak." Yeonjun cursed.

A striking guy with soft purple hair had bumped into Yeonjun, a guy with grayish blonde hair was next to him. He froze and blushed in embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry." He stood up and helped up the cursing Yeonjun.

The unusually handsome guy stuck a hand out to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and stood up himself. "Sorry, but I can get up myself, now move you weirdo." Yeonjun pushed past him and walked into the gym. Taehyun glanced the guy up and down and looked at his shorter friend before leaving.

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