Just as the deal is agreed upon, the grandfather clock that was sitting in another room strikes midnight chimes.

I turn my head towards where the noise was coming from. I have always loved grandfather clocks, it always reminded me of better times where I would always run from wherever I was to the clock in my grandparents place and listen to it chime.

I can feel a soft smile on my face and decide to leave the two alphas in search of the clock. I havent seen one in so long. My feet lead me out of the living room to another slightly smaller one. This room has a few comfortable looking chairs and couches with little side tables surrounding a warm looking fireplace on the left with a shelve above it is holding some little trinkets. To the rights is a little drinks table.

And sitting at the back corner of the room is large wooden grandfather clock. Its beautiful. I take a few steps closer to it to get a better look and admire all the small details that make it so special. Just looking at the clock I can see that it is an old, well loved clock. The clock face has delicate golden numerals with similar looking hands telling the time with golden detailing surrounding it. Underneath the clock face is a small glass casing showing the hanging golden pendulums.

This Grandfather clock looks similar to the one at my grandparents place. Despite all the unwanted memories and emotions this clock is bringing up, I cant bring myself to move away from it. I feel soothed looking at. I feel like it is reminding me of all that I have lost. But is also reminding me of my purpose. My why. I keep watching the clock for a little while, feeling my resolve harden after a momentous night.

I was lost in the clock that I got startled by my name being called. I turned around quickly, looking towards the person that called to me to see Ryland and Ryden both looking at me with concerned expressions.

Are you okay? Ryden asked

I gave myself a second to recompose myself and with a soft genuine smile on my face, looking at the clock I reply Yes I sigh.

I debate whether to tell them more and think, Im not staying here much longer so what the harm?

My grandparents use to have a clock just like this and whenever I heard it chime, I would run from wherever I was in the house to listen to is and count the number of chimes. I explain and sigh again I havent seen a clock like this in so long

Not giving them a chance to comment on the little I had just reveals about myself, I speak up Its getting late so we should probably get to bed.

Ryden just nods and motions for me to follow him. As Im following Ryden I notice that Ryland has been following behind, almost like they are worried Im going to run. Dont worry, Im not going anywhere tonight I think to myself.

We walk through a few hallways and past a few other rooms finally we make to a hallway that has three doors leading to what I assume are bedrooms.

Ryden opens the door to the middle room This will be the room we will shares soon but for now you can sleep in here alone he says Ryland and Is rooms are just across from yours he points to the doors across from the one he opened indicating which is whos.

I nod my head and say a quiet thank you before going into ym temporary room for the night. As I walk in I can make out faint shadowing of furniture in the room from the little bit of moonlight shining in from the windows. I walk to the bedside tables and turn on the lamps to give me a little more light in the room.

There is a giant four poster wooden bed in the middle of the far wall with plush red, black and gold bedding. As I look around the room evrthing seems to match the bed. Its all dark colours with wooden furniture and gold detailings. There are two doors on the left side of the room. I go and look into them and see one leads to a large sized walk-in-robe fit for three people. The other door leads to the bathroom. In the bathroom there are three sinks on the basin, a shower that looks to fit five people and a bath that looks more like a spa. The decorations and theme in here matches that of the bedroom and the rest of the alphas quarters.

I look around for what I need for a shower and manage to find everthing. I then go to the walk-in-robe to search for soemhing to where to bed. Theres only a few items of mens clothing which I presume is Ryland and Rydens. After rumaging through the clothes I find a pair of grey sweat pants with a draw string and a black t-shirt to wear to bed.

I go the bathroom and lock the door before getting undressed, careful of where I place my weapons and undoing my hair. I dont bother looking at myself in the mirror and just get into the wonderful, hot shower.

I let the water wash away the night as I wash off the make-up from my face, the products in my hair and then just my body. Once that was done I got out of the shower grabinga a fuffy towel from the cupboards under the sink and dry off before putting on the clothes I set aside for myself. I slip my gun in the band of the sweat pants. I had to tie the string a lot and roll the waist band up a bit before it fit functionally. With the baggy black t-shirt it can barely be seen.

I grab the towel and dry off my hair some more before brushing my teeth. Once I was done, I hung up the towel I used, grabbed my weapons and left the bathroom for the bed. Im not sure how much sleep Im going to get tonight but I just hope that the twins dont try and come into the room tonight.

I walk to the bed turning off the lamp on the far side bedside table then climb in where I am going to sleep and climb under the covers. The covers are so soft and comfy. I put my knives, gun and ammo in the bedside table next to before turning off the light. I lie in bed with a small knife in my hand under the pillow and try to sleep away the night.

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