Chapter 10

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Damn it. I curse myself. I was peeking through the branches of the tree I was in hoping that the wolves wouldnt see me, but I accidently make eye contact with the first brown wolf. I sigh, trying to think of a way out of this. Looking around I know I can still climb quickly through the trees, but they can just follow. And they probably know my scent by now and will be able to use it to track me.

Weighing out my options I hear all the wolves below me start growling up at me. I could possibly go down and fight them to get away. Well, that seems to be my only option as of right now. I am about to jump down from the tree when the wolves below me start howling more, calling to others.

This really isnt good, but my best chance is still to fight and run. Climbing and swinging in the tree a bit, I land behind the three wolves who are quick to turn around and growl at me. This isnt my first time against a wolf, let alone three, so I get ready to attack and defend when a ground shaking roar is heard.

I cant be sure, but I can assume that the alpha kings have just woken up to me – their mate – not being where they left me. I dont want to have to do this. I wish I could stay with them. I wish I could have a life filled with love and happiness. To be able to be what they need and what the kingdom needs but I cant. Not with him still around. I need to protect them and this kingdom from my demons and I will.

The wolves in front of me are momentarily distracted by the sound and I take this as my chance. I quickly and quietly run off towards the village. I run as fast as I can until I am out of the forest and can see the village. There are many more places that I can hide in the villages and it will be easier to hide my scent as there are so many other scents.

Finally making it to the village I find a place to hide. Its behind what looks to be a small restaurant. I dont have time to dwell on my surroundings though, so I get moving, heading in the direction to Maria and Stevens place. Along the way I had to change my path a few times to avoid any patrols walking along. By the time I reach Maria and Stevens place I see the sun about to start rising. That means Maria and Steven will be awake soon to get ready for the bakery.

I sneak around the back of their place and look up at the window into my room. I know I can climb up to it but Im not sure if I should wait for Maria and Steven to leave first in case they hear me or if I should go in now and get my things. Looking around I try to see if there is a safe place to hide while I wait for them because I know that if I go into the building I would be heard and Maria and Stevens loyalty to their Alphas is stronger than my relationship with them.

Looking around I see a safe place between some bushes that reside below some low hanging trees. Its the perfect place to hide for a little bit and then I can also slip in and out of the house hopefully without being seen.

I sit in amongst the trees, hidden from sight and watch the house, waiting to hear Maria talking as they leave. I sat there for about ten minutes before I could hear them leaving. Taking my chance, I slip from the bushes and quickly make my way up the side of the house to my room then quietly climb into the room.

Looking around everything looks to be the same as when I left last night. I grab the backpack from under the bed and immediately start packing all my belongings. I pack all my jeans, shirts, underwear and combat boots into the bag along with some toiletries and all my weapons. I decide to change into something that will be more moveable and for my time running around in the forest. I pick out my worn black jeans with my army green long-sleeve shirt and soft black running shoes, leaving the clothes I borrowed from the Alphas on my bed. I take out the hairbrush from the bag and brush through my hair before plaiting it down my back to keep it out of the way and to prevent it getting too knotty. I decide to strap some of my weapons on me so I know I can protect myself. Who knows what I might run into out there.

I strap on three knives and two guns, making sure they are well hidden yet accessible. I make the quick decision to grab some food and water from downstairs in the kitchen before I leave. By the time I am back out in the bushes I was hiding earlier the sun has risen some more and I have all my belongings sitting in my bag again. Before heading off to somewhere else, I need to collect my bow and arrow from and other things from the clearing.

Heading to the clearing, I keep out of sight as much as I can and avoid the people walking around. Once I make it to the line of the forest, I feel myself both relax and become more anxious. It will be easier to hide while Im in the forest, but I know that there are patrols that wander around the forest at all time to keep out the rouges.

After walking for a little while, I reach the clearing and make my way over to the log in which I hide my bow and arrow. Amongst those things I find the herbal positions that were given to me as a reward when I helped save a lady a little while before I came here. The sun is continuing to rise and it will soon be over head making it difficult to hide. Although I remember the routes and routines of the patrols iby the forests edge and within the forest, I cant risk being seen. I can also predict that the Alpha Kings are going to be placing more patrols out to try and find me.

My safest option right now would be to just continue to hide within the forest. This will also give me the opportunity to find out more about that tree from the painting, my abilities and why the former alpha king looked so familiar to me. As I wonder around the forest looking for a new hiding place, I think the former alpha king. Why did he look so familiar yet different? He could possibly be the relative of someone I have met before.

Continuing to walk through the forest I try to ignore the knowing feeling of why the former king was so familiar. I will never forget his face. He looks like him only slightly older. They cant be related, right?

Putting my thoughts aside I see a tree that is suitable to climb and has enough foliage to hide me. I walk in the opposite direction of the tree for a bit the climb a different, less desirable tree, and sit on a thick sturdy branch. Taking out the herbal potions from my bag, I start soring through them until I find what I am looking for. It is in a small vile and is blue-ish purple colour which comes from the flowers soaking into the clear mix of liquids. I open the vile carefully, putting it on as if it were a perfume – as instructed by the old lady who gave it to me.

This potion is made to hide a persons scent for about 10-12 hours unless you go in water. This vile will last me a while, but I will still need to be careful. After putting a few drops in and on my bag to further mask my scent I climb down the tree and jog back to the other tree I saw before. I climb to the best vantage point to see any danger yet safely hidden from the sight of others.

By the time I am comfortably sat in the tree I look up into the sky at the risen sun and can tell by now its about mid-morning. Im far enough in the forest to be safe here for the day, as well as having me scent masked. Now I need to make a plan of action. I cant really stay here for more than a day so I will need to keep moving. I also dont have enough food or water to last me long so I will have to find fresh water and make sure I can hunt for some meat and forage for plant-based foods as well.

While I am stuck in the forest, I can take the chance to find out more information from the royal library. It sounds like a stupid idea to sneak into the castle, but it might actually be easier than usual because most of the royal forces will be focused on keeping rouges out and on trying to find me in the forest.

I will wait until night fall before I start my search for food and water. Once I have replenished those, I will start thinking about how to get into the royal library. For now, I will take a moment to rest and gather my thoughts before venturing around.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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