Chapter 8

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As I sit on the couch looking at the two alpha males, I try to think of some kind of excuse to get out of this. I really don't want to sleep in the same room, let alone the same bed as them. I decide my best option would just to tell them straight up and see where the conversation goes from there.

I would really rather sleep on my own. I say quietly, looking at them.

I an see the anger that is slowly building up in them. Then they seem to be mind linking for a bit before one of them speaks up.

Just when they look like they are about to say no I whisper out a soft please. This seems to make them stop again and think.

why? Ryden asks carefully with barely concealed anger.

Okay, I can work with this. Well, firstly, I barely know either of you, and secondly, I'm not comfortable with that so I know I wont get any sleep. I explain to them, hoping to appeal to their softer sides, if they really have one.

My reasoning doesn't seem to work with them though because Ryden replies We are your mates, so you will feel comfortable enough to sleep with us

Ryland continues And if you are worried about us hurting you, we promise we never will. You are our mate. Our love. Our future. The kingdoms mother and future. We will never harm you or put you in harms way. For someone who seems to be child-like, he certainly has a way with words.

Thinking about what he said makes me feel so many emotions. I cant be everything they want me to be. I have too much baggage and problems that always follow me. I bring nothing but pain and sadness and destruction. But I dont know how to explain it to them what I feel without telling them things about my past. I guess I am going to have to risk a little bit of secrecy.

I look at them and see them waiting for my response. I look down to the glass in my hands. I have grown up with humans, we dont move this fast and with the way I have grown up I am not very accustomed to affection or being close to people I sigh and take a breath and look up at them I just need sometime to get use to all of this, I can still sleep in your quarters, I just cant sleep in the same room, let alone bed as you two

As I finish my little talk, I realise this is the most I have spoken to someone in a very long time but I need them to understand me. I sit there waiting for them to give me a reply and just look at the wine in my glass, swishing it around.

Finally, I hear one of them sigh and I look up expectantly, waiting for what they are going to say. Looking at them I notice they both have very frustrated looks, but I can see a hint of understanding and let myself hope that I get my way.

Ryden is the first to speak Alright, there is a spare room near our rooms that you can sleep in temporarily

I am about to say thank you, but Ryland speaks before I can You can sleep in that room on one condition

I look between them, trying to get nay kind of hint about what the condition might be but cant find anything. They both had very serious expression. What is it? I whisper.

Then Rylands expression changes suddenly to overly happy and he says You have to go on a date with us once a week, so we are going to take you out tomorrow night as our first date

My body and brain just freeze. I dont know how to reply. This was not what I was expecting, but I am happy to agree to it. Although I know I will be leaving sometime tomorrow when I go to collect my things but if agreeing to this means sleeping alone, I will do so.

Okay I say to them with a soft smile and stand up and put my hand out to shake. They both stand up with pleased expressions and each shake my hand.

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