The Beginning of the End

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A/N: This is your boyfriend, or at least was lol

n e ways on to the story. Enjoy my new book Submission!

Also, this is a modern-time story. It is not in the 1800's lol. n e ways-

You were tired.

Very tired.

Not from exhaustion, but tired of your world at the moment. Specifically, your boyfriend, Hiro Kanato.

To be frank, when you first met Hiro, you felt butterflies. He was extremely attractive and seemed like such a nice person. You thought that he would someone that you could depend on, someone you could trust with your life, even though you barely knew his name. It's what you would call, "love at first sight".

People called you an airhead, dense, a hopeless romantic, and a bit naive. You, too, agreed with these, because you knew that you can trust people so easily. But you were for sure that he was the one for you. Your soulmate.

As you got to know him in the passing months, he seemed like more of your dream man than you could even imagine yourself. He was incredibly kind, generous, and an overall good person. You had no doubts; he was perfect in every way. Your feelings grew and grew until you couldn't even hide it any longer.

When you confessed your overflowing emotions for him, he accepted and returned them with a heartwarming smile. Hiro welcomed you with open arms, accepting you for who you are, and that is what made you most happy in the brightest moments of your newly found relationship.

Until you saw the red flags.

As time progressed, he would start recommending you makeup brands and bodycon dresses. This alarmed you, for you told him before that you never wore dresses NOR makeup. You denied his recommendations, and he would brush it off and continue what he was doing.

But everything went downhill from there. He started buying you corsets and even more feminine clothing, only for you to take it and stuff it in your closet, not even thinking about wearing it. The outfits were much too revealing, showing your entire leg up to your hip and presenting your cleavage to anyone who was taller than you; and Hiro was more than 5 inches taller than you.

He then started to body-shame you, comparing you to the girls in the magazines he would read and the models online, roaring at you that you should be "like them" and "stop eating so much". This upset you and you confronted him about it, but he only waved you off, giving the excuse, "I'm just doing what's best for you."

(A/N: this is all for the plot of the story, do not let ANYONE tell you that you aren't enough because of your weight, appearance, so on and so forth. Everyone here is fucking perfect and you better believe it. I'm sorry if I trigger anyone's emotions because of the story, but just remember that you are perfect 🥺❤️)

With your feeble little heart that still adored him and your unconfident soul, you obliged.

Even with listening to him, he began to abuse you, hitting you and punching you when you would do something he disliked. Hiro called you degrading names like "bitch", "slut", and "whore", while also throwing in insults like calling you a disappointment or a mistake as a child.

By then, most of your feelings for him had vanished. You regret not officially breaking up with him when you had the chance, and you tried to distance yourself from him, but his snake-like grip of manipulation restricted you from moving more than a centimeter away, never letting you once leave his side.

You now sat on the uncomfort of the couch in the space of Hiro's house at about 8:30PM. He had set the rule that only he could leave the house alone, and if you tried to get out for any reason other than going to work, you would get in a LOT of trouble. You were watching an anime series, (Favorite anime). It was the one that you rewatched over and over because it always brought comfort and happiness to you in your darkest and loneliest times.

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