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And then there were four.
Four players..
Who are really going for it!

       That's right. There were four contestants left. One Bright Light against Three Grand Slams. Although, that didn't matter anymore now that there were no longer teams. It was just Lightbulb, Suitcase, Baseball and Knife. This was the beginning of the finals of Inanimate Insanity.

       Lightbulb had just watched her teammates, no, her friends walk away, and now she was alone. It was just her. She sat in front of the portal, her head down as she stared at the ground, gently wiping her eyes. She can't cry, she has to win this for her team.. for her friends. But watching them walk away.. she felt her heart drop. Test Tube's words echoed in her head. "We still have our brightest light in the game!"

     She chuckled to herself quietly, wiping her eyes one final time as she turned around. Test Tube's words stuck in her head as a bright smile crossed her face. Looking around, Baseball and Suitcase were quietly chattering about what was going to happen next. Knife seemed to be staring off into the woods, looking for something, or someone, in particular. MePhone? He was gone that quickly. She didn't know where he went to, he just- up and disappeared. Oh well, probably to set up the next challenge or something. Lightbulb quietly looked around for somewhere to go, locating an empty path in the forest where she could peacefully walk by herself. No distractions, no nothing. Though, she wouldn't mind having someone to talk to, except.. the fact that everyone was busy— Knife! She walked over to him, gently tapping his shoulder. He seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in, and turned to face her. "Huh? Oh, Lightbulb. What do you want?" He asked, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "Oh, 'Sup Knifester?" She chuckled, grinning at her own nickname. He rolled his eyes and let out a groan, face-palming. "Ugh, don't ever call me that again." "Alright, Alright! I'm just pushing your buttons, eh?." She made a gesture that sort of resembled pushing buttons. He wasn't amused. Knife looked at her and raised one brow. "What did you want again?" She shrugged. "I just- wanted to know if you wanted to go on a walk with me through the uh.. through the forest?" He looked at her confused, then started walking. "Yeah, sure I guess. Let's go then." And so she chased after him.

They walked through the forest on the trail Lightbulb found in silence for a bit. It was almost deafening, and Lightbulb didn't like it one bit. She stared at her feet as she walked; and when Knife stopped, she didn't. She walked right into him. "Yarr! Whatcha stoppin for matey?" She laughed, rubbing her head trying to sound like a pirate. Knife turned to face her.

      "Alright, Lightbulb. We're far enough away from the elimination zone, you can drop the act." "H-Huh? What act?" Her eyes darted around and she smiled. "This isn't an act, lad! I don't know what ye mean." Knife gave her a glare, and she sighed. "Alright, fine. You got me!" "So. What's up that you cleaaarly needed someone to talk to about?" They sat down on a nearby log. Knife was still on the lookout for her. "Weeeelll, do you have anything to drink? I drink when I'm depressed! W-which I'm not, but.. ugh." She sighed again and rested her hands on her face, gently pulling her eyes down on the sides. "I just.. I just really miss everyone, Knifeste- Knife. I don't know, I guess you could say I feel.. alone?" At the word alone, Knife burst into laughter, and Lightbulb looked at him slightly hurt. He calmed down after a few seconds of laughter. "Oh, you're being serious? Sorry, I just didn't expect YOU, LIGHTBULB of all people, y'know the one who has the most outgoing personality out of all of us left to feel lonely." She looked back down, shielding her eyes. "Sorry. Go on." "Well, it's.. I don't know, I just, I miss Pape- Fan, Tube and Painty.. I miss them all a-a lot! Y'know? It's like.. I felt like I could've been a better leader to them, a-and keep them in the game.." Her eyes started to water but she refused to let the tears fall. Knife looked at her, the tiniest bit of concern in his eyes. "Hey, Lightbulb. Look, I know you're alone. But er- you've just gotta keep them in the back of your head. They're always still there, and- when or if you DO get eliminated, you'll be with them for the rest of the show. So just, stop acting so sad. You'll see them eventually. It's like Pickle and I, we'll end up seeing each other eventually at the end of the game. You just need to keep that in mind." A single tear drifted down Lightbulb's face and landed on the ground, letting out a tiny plop as it did. She sat up to face Knife. "Wow.. thank you, Knife. Wait- OMGA, did you say something positive for once?" A smile crossed her face as Knife gave her a disgusted look- which quickly subsided. He gave a short chuckle. "Heh. I guess. Anyways. You feeling better now?" She nodded, standing up. "Never been better! Now c'mon Knife, we have a competition to get back to!" He nodded. She led the way back. They walked in silence till they got back, Lightbulb was definitely feeling better now. You could tell by the way she was slightly skipping in each step.

      "Yo, Lightbulb." "Huh?" She turned to him, he had his arms crossed. "Just because of this little talk, doesn't mean I'm going to let you win so easily. You still have to compete. All I'm saying is, watch out." And just like that, Knife walked off in some random direction.

      Lightbulb was alone again.

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