1.1) Ace Degenerate

Start from the beginning

"Era bien, pero prefiero quedarme con mi familia," ("It was good, but I prefer to be with my family") Isabella replied while smiling.

After catching up with her grandmother, Gaby went to her room and watched TV.

A few hours later Krystal had finished with dinner and they were all sitting together at the table and eating.

After dinner, Gaby washed the dishes while her dad cleaned the table and her mother put away the left overs.

"Hey, I just noticed that we're out of milk. Do you mind going to pick some up real quick?" Krystal asked Gaby while putting away the food.

"Sure, mami," Gaby replied.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

Later, Gaby went to the strip mall near her appartment complex to buy some milk.

When she gets there, she notices Miguel and the blond guy from earlier.

As she's walking by the cashier she hears, "probablemente tiene un pene pequeño," she lets out a chuckle while looking at the guy behind the counter.

Hearing the chuckle, the blond guy turns around and asks her, "what did he just say?"

Gaby looks between him, the cashier, and Miguel who's holding a laugh, "he said that you, uh... that you probably have a little d*ck."

"He said that?" He asks while looking at the cashier, then he says, "Tell him he has a little d*ck."

"I speak English a**hole," the cashier says.

The blond guy then gets mad, throws some money at the cashier, and snatches the pizza, before leaving the store.

Gaby shakes her head and then smiles at Miguel before going to find the milk.

She gets the milk and walks back towards the cashier when she spots Kyler and his gang pushing Miguel out of the store.

She quickly pays for the milk and runs out of the store.

She sees Kyler pouring Pepto-Bismol over Miguel's head.

"A**hole," she hears him mumble before getting punched in the stomach.

"Kyler! Leave him alone!" Gaby yells.

Kyler turns to her, "F*ck off Sánchez, mind your own damn business!"

Kyler then pushes Miguel into a red car, this gets the attention of the blond guy.

"Hey! Watch the car, man. Just leave the dork alone." He says while Gaby runs over to see if Miguel is okay.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"It kinda hurts, but I'll live." He replies while watching Kyler and his friends insult the blond dude.

"I can buy you another bottle of Pepto if you want," Gaby offers.

Miguel turns to face her, "Really? 'Cuz you don't have to."

She smiles, "I know, but I want to."


Both Gaby and Miguel turn to look at what's going on, only to see the guy beating up Kyler and his gang.

"Holy sh*t," Miguel whispers.

Next thing we know the police come and knock him out.

Miguel tried to tell the police what happened, but they wouldn't listen; so Gaby told him to wait there while she bought more Pepto-Bismol and grabbed the milk that she left on the ground.

After that, they start walking home together.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Gaby asks concerned.

"Yeah, I just need to wash my hair and go to sleep," he says as they reach their appartment complex.

"Alright well, goodnight, Gaby says while waving.

"Night," Miguel waves back.


The next day, Gaby was skating around the parking lot when Miguel came up to her.

"Hey stranger," Gaby stops skating and smiles at him.

"Hey, would you mind if we just sat down and talked?"

"No, of course not."

They sit down and talk about their day so far. Miguel mentions him asking the blond guy for karate lessons and being disappointed when he said no.

"Well I'm sure there are other ways to learn karate. You don't need him."

"Yeah, your right. I guess I was just a little worried for school with those guys."

"Well on the bright side, if you do end up going to school with them, then you'll also be going to school with me; and then we can hang out!" Gaby smiles trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah, I'd really like that," he smiles back.

They spend the rest of the day together, getting to know each other and having loads of fun.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed! :)

Published: 10/04/2020

Words: 1,176

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