chapter 1: "how can you see us"

Start from the beginning

Sunset Curve began to follow her and Alex tried to clarify even further, "We're ghosts. We died back in 1995, but somehow, we were brought back as ghosts recently. The only person that's been able to see us so far is this girl named Julie whose family now owns our old studio space. We don't know why, but she's the only one that's been able to see us."

"Well, until you," Reggie added.

"I feel like logically, I'm alive. Like I'm bleeding and that Julie girl that can see you is alive, right?" The guys nodded their heads. "So I'm alive."

Alex sighed, "Yeahh well you were also able to bump into Luke and touch Reggie. Julie isn't able to do that."

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait, can't you just remember if you died?"

It was a good idea in theory, but when Diana tried to search anything in her memory bank, it just felt like she was encased in a small room with white walls. Everything was completely blank.

"I... I can't remember. I can't remember anything."

Luke persisted, "Not even if you died? What about what year it is? Anything?"

"The only thing I know is that my name's Diana." She could feel the panic flow through her veins which Reggie took notice of.

He took a seat next to her and grasped her hand, "Hey, it's okay. You hit your head hard. You probably just have amnesia. It's not a big deal. We can help you."

Alex sat down on the other side of her, "Yeah, we can work through all of this together. I mean we basically lost 25 years of our lives, so we can figure this stuff out together. We're pretty new to this ghost thing."

"Well, what can I do to see if I'm ghost?" Diana looked between the three of them.

"We can teleport," Alex replied with a shrug. Reggie and Luke shrugged too. It was basically their first and only ghost move that they've learned so far.

Luke added, "It might just be weird, and we're still getting used to it–" Luke felt a tap on his shoulder and jumped. He turned around to see Diana. He quickly blinked and looked back at where she was sitting to where she was currently standing.

"So you're definitely something," Alex concluded. Honestly, he was extremely intrigued by Diana. It was like she was half dead and half alive. It was even weirder than the fact that he's now a ghost. Normally, his anxiety would rise just at the situation itself, but that feeling was pushed aside by his empathy. She was probably so freaked out and scared that she doesn't know who she is or even if she's alive. He wanted to help her.

Reggie looked at her wound, concerned. "Maybe we should go to Julie's and see if she can patch her up. She's still bleeding." He walked over to Diana and grasped her hand, "C'mon, just focus on following me."

Diana could help but look down and blush at him clasping his hand in hers, "Okay."

And with that, the members of Sunset Curve and their new stowaway transported to Julie's bedroom.

Once they got to Julie's house, the search for a first aid kid immediately ensued which was difficult since the guys couldn't really touch anything. Luckily, Diana could so when Luke ended up finding it in plain sight, she could easily patch herself up.

"There! All better!" She turned around to see that Alex was the only one paying attention. Reggie was already sprawled out on Julie's bed while Luke was perched on a stool, hypnotized by a box on the girl's shelf.

"Yeah, it's hard to keep their attention if it's not food, a cute animal, or music. Usually, cute girls would keep their attention too, but for some reason, it's not today."

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