Chapter 4

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Arriving in Australia, 2 years ago it was understood that instead of being a supposed security guard I would become Shiana Turbin's best friend and also look out for her.

Being the same age as Shia, was an added bonus - all our classes were scheduled together. Her older brother Adrian, the soon to be Alpha was a year ahead of us and a player but had become a close friend.

Dressed in a black leather pantsuit with yellow peep-toe heels and yellow accessories, I thought I looked hot but Shia looked absolutely stunning in a spaghetti strapped dress that ended just above her knees, gladiator sandals and a clutch.

Shia has been under constant protection due to the Red Rock Pack, two states away wanting to organize an arranged marriage between their two packs. Great Lakes leaders have a different way of doing things, their belief is in mated couples and arranged marriages can be made if both parties, have no mates or agree to the marriage.

When the idea was first mooted to Alpha Turbin, he was furious and declined the offer without even consulting with Shia. After the rejection of his son Zeke, the Alpha of Red Rock Sebastian Styx threatened Shia's life. I was elated that Alpha Turbin would do that for her, if he was my dad he would have kicked Rayne's ass and hog tied him to the front of the Church ready to be wed. Rayne would never have known what hit him. Cracking up at the image in my head, I left the hotel we were at the Hilton, in Nadi Fiji.

Three months after arriving into the Great Lakes Pack I convinced a really worried Alpha Turbin and the Luna to let me and my security detail allow us to take Shiana outside of Australia and get her to travel the world under our constant guard. There had been several attempts on her life which had added to Alpha Turbin's grey hairs, with the added security measure of masked scents and clean traveling documentation, the Turbin's permitted us to take Shia under the guise of friends backpacking the world and we got the hell out of Dodge.

It has been 2 and a half years since I have left home, with Shia in tow after Lucas's party I was told for Shia's protection that we were to leave the pack lands. She would be under my protection, and where she was concerned I was boss. I missed Greenwood, immensely but the constant attacks by the Styx made Shia's protection even more important.

We were now returning back to Australia, we had received word that Zeke had found his mate. Alpha Sebastian of Red Rock had officially apologized now that Zeke was settled, Alpha Turbin was just getting pissed that Shia was enjoying her independence so much that she was taking her sweet time wanting to get back home.

Walking into the deli, I saw Shia sitting talking to another tourist.... shaking my head I walk closer. My eyes sweeping over his form and automatically gauging if he was a threat, comfortable that he could not have hurt a fly I walked over to the pair. After paying for breakfast, murmured goodbyes I followed Shia out keeping her in my line of sight at all times as we made our way back to the hotel to check out and get back on the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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