Chapter 2

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Mr. Derrin POV

Greenwood College catered to the wolves of Greenwood Pack protecting their children by keeping their young on pack territory. True, there were humans, rogues, at times also students from other packs in the vicinity that attended classes but as long as they didn't cause any trouble they were welcome at Greenwood. If there were issues these were dealt with by the enforcers that were basically undercover within the school attending classes like normal students.

Enforcers were never easily identified but were well trained, strong, and fast... trained from a young age in every art of self-defence by senior enforcers that had left the Alpha's employ to make way for the younger generation so they could put more time into their family and other social relationships. They were like the Police arm of the Green wood Pack. The pity was one of them was in my history class, she was aware that I knew who she was, as I have been training her for the last five years.

Now she was asleep. Gosh it's not like I didn't give her enough time after our sparring session, yesterday in a supposedly extra class History lesson at my home to try and better her grades. If her parents were aware of the skills that their daughter had they would be spending more time trying to get people not to aggravate her, and then ignore her completely.

I had decided to convert her to an enforcer after finding her crying in the empty gym 5 years ago, as she stared at a stony faced Rayne who stormed out as I walked in. She was 14 at the time, looking so fragile I slowly walked up to her

'Rhia, are you okay honey?'

Watching her shake her head slowly my sympathy is apparent as I reach out to hold her, trying so hard not to scare her as she tries to move away from my reach.

'What's wrong Rhia? Maybe I can help'

She stops fidgeting; her beautiful hazel eyes turn to me. The grief that is apparent in them fills me with rage.

'He rejected me' her beautiful face turning to look at the door, understanding dawns. Rayne was her mate.

'Wait here'

Standing to storm out, she grabs my hands and pulls me to a stop.


Trying to get her to help me bring this to the Alpha's attention was met with sheer stubborn refusal, her acceptance firmly in place. I automatically became a second father figure in her life and immediately adopted her as my student.

Pity, though for a student with the she had, only her history class was spent with her catching some shut eye knowing that I would let her get away with it as I would always help her with her assignments after training.

Now, five years later she seems to have a tolerable relationship with Rayne. I would always protect her whenever I could. She never had many friends but always knew I will be here for her. Her love for her brother and the training she goes through has been the only 2 things keeping her actively committing to the motions of everyday pack living without actually getting into the normal things teenagers do such as partying, dates, dances etc.

The confidence that she has acquired due to her training has given her a formidable edge, and also isolated her from getting close to people although if you pick on Rhia, always expect payback. The look she was casting Dyson and Rayne had promise in them turning away from them I reminded the class of assignment due dates stealthily passing her tickets, visa, travel itinerary, funds that she had insisted she worked for but that I held onto for her, and a portfolio for the couple that she would be working for in Australia.

She would be residing in Brisbane for 3 years in an overseer capacity. She was assigned as the protection detail for the only daughter of Alpha Turbin of the Great Lakes Pack in Brisbane.

Unaware of the reality of her situation and saddened by the fact that she had still not found her mate yet, her family had slowly turned all their attention to Dyson.

Rejected by a mate that was still overwhelming her with his dominance at every turn and verbally bullying her at times with the assistance of her brother, the separation would be ideal for her growth.

This trip would be good for her, hopefully she will be able to find some semblance of happiness and the distance from the pack would temporarily sever the link to her mate, and her family allowing her to acquire some much needed freedom from the daily pressures that she constantly battled with.

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