"If it's cool with you, I'd like to keep it that way, so please stop talking." Troy insulted as Bianca scowled at him. Amber and Leo chuckled at the witty remark.


A few hours later, the teens began to do one-on-one sparring matches down up in the Battleground, which they now did once a week.

"Alright, it's sparring time, guys. First round, we have Field going up against Frost."

Oh shit. Amber vs Bianca. Shit just got real.

"You nervous?" Leo asked Amber as she stood up, a combative expression plastered onto her face.

"No, not even a little." Amber replied confidently as she grabbed her bow and arrow that she'd gotten from the War Room, strolling onto the sparring mat.

This fight had been a long time coming. She was no longer that scared little girl she was when she'd first attained her abilities. Surviving that stab from Ajax had made her realize that she was stronger than she'd originally thought-physically and emotionally.

Especially with that bow in her hand.

Bianca walked onto the mat, glaring at her opponent condescendingly as she assumed a combative stance, activating her bio-shield. Her hair, which was normally down in a long style, was now in a ponytail, signaling how serious she was about this battle.

She'd crush Amber in this, as she'd crushed her at everything else for years.

A transparent barrier comprised of reinforced, modified graphene formed up from the floor, around the two combatants. It was 100% impact resistant. This would prevent both of them from causing any external damage during their battle.

"This should be good." Whispered Adam. "5 bucks says Bianca thrashes Amber."

"Oh, you're on!" Dylo replied as he shook the boy's hand, grinning.

"Begin." Owens instructed as the fight commenced.

Frost emulated from Amber's fingertips as she carefully planned her strategy, having taken after Kai. Bianca obviously had the defensive advantage here, but Amber had two advantages over Bianca, which were range and speed.

Taking a green-tipped arrow out of her quiver, she drew her bow as she eyed her target. Releasing the arrow, she heard the faint whistling sound it generated whilst traveling through the air.

Conjuring up her force field, Bianca deflected the piercing projectile with ease, smiling to herself arrogantly as she scoffed. "That all you got?"

She'd fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

The green-tipped arrow erupted into a cloud of gas in midair, blinding her as she struggled to regain her vision. Once the smoke cleared, a coughing Bianca gazed in front of her to find no one there.

A millisecond later, she heard a faint combative grunt coming from behind. "Hardly."

Amber cocked back her arm as if she were winding a watch. With a tremendous force, she released it, and it arced forward, headed straight for Bianca's smug face. Her fist landed with a thud on her left cheek, sending ripples of fat cascading back towards her ears, then back forward.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now